Founders of women-focused startups are using business school to test and transform their innovative … [+]
Described as “tackling the most undiagnosed and dismissed women’s health issue”, Katie Wilson’s BelliWelli – a wellness brand catering to consumers with tummy troubles, of which almost twice as many women than men suffer on a weekly basis – looks set to be the next Bumble.
For any readers that haven’t heard of Bumble – where have you been?!
Bumble, founded by Whitney Wolfe Herd and launched in 2014, is a female-led dating app that has taken the world by storm. A “feminist dating app”, as encapsulated by Herd, Bumble has a multi-billion-dollar value in 2023 and currently holds the second-place position, after Tinder, in the ranking of most popular dating apps in the U.S.
Some might think comparisons between an up-and-coming, but ultimately junior gut-health brand and a globally-recognised heavyweight on the dating app scene are a little sweeping – but, just like Herd’s Bumble, Wilson and BelliWelli offer consumers something special: a viable solution to an issue felt by countless women worldwide.
Whether it’s better safeguarding for women looking to date online, fear-free foods for those suffering with irritable bowel system, or another solution entirely to a widely-held women’s issue, brands that align entrepreneurship and problem-solving are the future of business.
But what it is that makes their products or services so appealing to consumers?
For Lina Chan, founder and CEO of Parla – a start-up, launched in 2019, ‘connecting women with experts in nutrition, fertility and mental health to receive holistic support in an empathetic and empowering way’ – personal experience of the issue is what gives her an edge in providing a solution for others:
“Build something you are passionate about, as being a female entrepreneur can be a rollercoaster so … [+]
“My personal fertility struggle and pregnancy loss is what inspired me to start the business,” she says. “Build something you are passionate about, as being a female entrepreneur can be a rollercoaster so you need the optimism, resilience and resolution to keep going.”
An MBA alumna of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Chan is open about the importance she places on having a vested interest in the product’s success. But it’s the magnitude of the challenge that pushes her forward.
“Most of women’s health services are very reactive in nature. Women will be struggling for a number of years before they get the diagnosis and help they need. That’s because much of women’s health is still taboo and under-researched meaning women live in a ‘disease’ state for longer than they need,” she notes.
“1 in 10 women suffer from endometriosis yet it can take up to 10 years to diagnose; 1 in 7 couples suffer with infertility and that rate is growing; and 1 in 4 women will experience pregnancy loss – yet it’s a taboo subject,” Chan adds.
While many, when up against the same odds that Chan and Parla face, would feel daunted by the scale of the challenge, the Wharton MBA finds resolve in her outlook.
“My goal is to ‘mainstream’ women’s health…if I can do that, we’ll break these taboos, empower women with the knowledge and support they need to be proactive about their health and wellbeing – ultimately helping them live happier and healthier lives,” Chan asserts, defiantly.
The story of Parla stands testament to two things: the value of a Wharton education – Chan is unreserved in her praise of UPenn’s business school – and the ingenuity of today’s entrepreneur. But Chan isn’t the only female founder meeting the biggest challenges facing women in 2023 head-on.
You can read Lina’s story here.
International Women’s Day seems appropriate to explore some of the other female-led, female-centred start-ups from the world’s best business schools.
Much like Wharton’s Chan, Aagya Mathur – an MBA graduate from MIT Sloan – identified a need for better health-related information for women. And so, Aavia was born.
A daily ovarian hormone health guide, “Aavia helps members understand how their ovarian hormones impact their day-to-day lives, from quality of sleep to energy levels, mental health, mood, sex drive, skin, and more,” Mathur says.
“You and your business are only as big, powerful, capable, and impressive as you let yourself … [+]
“We started Aavia to give young people tools to understand how their hormones impact how they feel. The majority of our members have anxiety and depression, and we have found that within three weeks of using Aavia they experience a 52% decrease in stress and a 115% increase in confidence in their health,” she adds.
An undeniably effective tool available to young women, the personal health app, according to Mathur, is a product of the wider institution’s commitment to cross-campus collaboration.
“Sloan encouraged collaboration across campus. I have a background in science and consulting, and I truly believe that cross-collaboration and working with multidisciplinary teams are the most efficient and effective way to solve the biggest problems.
“I met my two co-founders outside of Sloan through the MIT Entrepreneurship and Maker Skills Integrator (MEMSI) program, which brought students from different majors together. Aavia’s strength comes from the fact that my co-founders and I have different interests, skills, and ways of thinking,” she says.
But, while Mathur offers a nod to the wider institution, she’s keen to highlight to the value of her time at MIT Sloan, noting the abundance of resources available to her as a then-MBA candidate.
Grateful for the support she received when launching Aavia, Mathur expresses a desire to pay it forward, offering inspirational words to any prospective female founders reading this article.
“You and your business are only as big, powerful, capable, and impressive as you let yourself believe. Don’t limit yourself or your business, and have grit to withstand the naysayers. Use the power of storytelling to bring people along the journey and to call them into all that you are doing and dreaming,” she firmly notes.
Having reflected on Aavia’s evolution, as well as her own, Mathur is optimistic for the future of women entrepreneurs.
“I envision a world where future women entrepreneurs will step into a start-up ecosystem where the foundation is built on tenacity and support. In that environment – where limits are removed – they will build with even more momentum, innovate more rapidly, have even more impact on their end users, and be role models for generations to come.”
You can read Aagya’s story here.
Mathur’s hope for a more supportive future for female entrepreneurs is shared by the co-founders of Maternia, Clara Maspons, Zainab Dakik and Natalia Villarreal, all of whom met at Vlerick Business School, in Belgium.
For the women behind Maternia – a start-up that has been working to develop a ‘low-cost, low-tech and highly intuitive medical device that allows pregnant women from low socio-economic settings to monitor the foetus’ wellbeing at home without medical assistance’ – access to resources, specifically financial backing, is one of the greatest challenges female founders are expected to overcome.
“Being out of your comfort zone will become the new normal yet you can navigate it by equipping … [+]
This, they note, makes supporting one another all the more important.
“Reach out to women entrepreneurs who might be open to sharing vertical know-how, this will give you both perspective and direction. Leverage it by joining women-focused organisations that can provide access to a supportive community, business incubators or accelerators, and networking opportunities and resources,” they note.
Turning specifically to what prospective start-up founders themselves can do, the Vlerick alumnae are clear in their guidance. “Embrace discomfort in order to grow.”
“Being out of your comfort zone will become the new normal yet you can navigate it by equipping yourself with the best possible resources; a strong support system, mentorship, and a resilient mindset,” they note.
And, at a glance, Maternia’s co-founders practice what they preach. Not content with what they have created thus far, Maspons, Dakik and Villareal are set on further growth.
“We are determined to make our business evolve into a broader platform for maternal and child health innovation.”
For these entrepreneurs, expanding the business stems not from a desire for success, but an awareness of the importance of the task at hand, as well as the potential impact such innovations can have on so many people:
“There is huge, life-saving scalability potential for many women using our innovation throughout other low and middle-income countries… Our ultimate mission is that every pregnant woman has access to quality, affordable, and culturally appropriate prenatal care, and we believe that our business can play a critical role in making that vision a reality.”
You can read Clara, Zainab and Natalia’s story here.
From start-ups with multiple founders to a founder with numerous start-ups – Demi Knight Clark, an MBA graduate of The Yale School of Management, is making her mark on the contracting industry via two unique ventures: She Built This City (launched in 2019), and Spark Building Group (founded in 2022). Both start-ups were founded to boost female representation among those working in trades, building and contracting – industries that, as Clark summarises, women are often “marginalized”.
“Just go. Fail forward. We can’t have progress if we don’t fail, and trust me, I’ve been that woman … [+]
So, what inspired this entrepreneur to try to tackle dismal gender representation in the construction industry?
“My grandmother was one of the Rosies during WWII and I grew up in a very equitable military household – women did everything (and more) that men did…I didn’t experience gender disparity until guidance counselor interventions for college, then my first jobs in the field. How else could I honor the 500,000 women who left the home during WWII to provide for their families in trade & seemingly “dangerous” (but exciting & purpose-driven) roles than to go first?”
Inspired by loved ones as well as her own experiences, Clark is resilient in the face of a herculean task, noting that, without “pointed, collective intervention” to boost gender balance among trades, it would likely take “hundreds of years” to see gender parity in construction.
Much of Clark’s resolve can be attributed to her time at Yale SOM, which taught her to “to get out of ‘my own pond.’” And, according to the serial entrepreneur, business school also afforded her, as well as her classmates, the opportunity to participate in open, meaningful conversations:
“Yale SOM was the ultimate norm creator. We knew the ground rules and the states of play at every juncture, so it created safe spaces for the c-suite executives who don’t fully understand safe spaces. When any marginalized communities (gender, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation) have the opportunity to truly be validated, acknowledged and seen; it opens such pathways for the discussions we need to be having in much, much bigger company venues.
“Once you see it, you can’t unsee it – so I brought that ethos back with me. I’m a storyteller now, and I can connect more with companies and influencers when I tell the impact through those stories at Yale.”
Asked to offer advice to other aspiring female entrepreneurs, Clark is quick to note what she sees as a major barrier to success among female founders:
“I’ll just say, in my own life, I’ve stopped auditioning. I don’t need more certifications, degrees or ‘legitimizers’ that take more time from me working ON the business. Women have to be 180% qualified in our own minds before we start a company or a big venture or go for the job – why < 3% of venture capital funds were awarded to women-owned businesses in 2022.
“Just go. Fail forward. We can’t have progress if we don’t fail, and trust me, I’ve been that woman for decades who has to be cleaner, faster, stronger, better to succeed on the jobsite.
You can read Demi’s story here.
Clark’s sentiments find company in that of Rukayyat Kolawole, CEO and founder of PaceUP Invest, who completed the ESSEC & Mannheim Executive MBA, and encourages others to “go for it and not be afraid”.
“As a woman and also from an underrepresented community, I am well equipped to help women and … [+]
According to the founder of PaceUP Invest – a ‘B2B and B2C fintech personal finance platform that helps women and more underrepresented communities take control of all aspects of their finances’ – women also shouldn’t shy away from “creating solutions to problems that currently exist, especially for other women.”
And, for Kolawole, offering more support to female entrepreneurs isn’t simply a case of fairness but also offers broader societal benefits:
“Female entrepreneurs often invest in sustainable causes,” she notes.
Much like Wharton’s Lina Chan, Mannheim’s Kolawole finds her passion in personal struggle, noting her own experiences serve as a source of inspiration, and make her well-placed to support others:
“As a woman and also from an underrepresented community, I am well equipped to help women and underrepresented groups live self-determined lives and manage their finances independently,” Kolewole says.
“This empowers women who educate further generations to deal with their financial issues in a self-reliant manner. I support women and the underrepresented in gaining more financial knowledge, building confidence in themselves, and, above all, taking action, thus achieving a mindset that leads to financial well-being,” she adds.
You can read Rukkayat’s story here.
For Dinah Bennett, Founder of International Consultants for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise, and a graduate of Durham University Business School, a two-decade-long career as an academic is what drove her to start her business:
“As the Japanese notion of ‘Ikigai’ suggests, your true passion and calling in life is what gets you … [+]
“I increasingly found that my research led to the conclusion that female entrepreneurship was being stifled – not by the limitations of women, but because 9 times out of 10 the policy and structures that exist to support entrepreneurship either disregard or under-deliver when it comes to women.”
And so, in 2007, Bennett launched the UK-based consultancy, which ‘provides worldwide insights into enterprise and entrepreneurship with the objective of helping financial, commercial and government institutions to get closer to the small business community.’
According to the Durham alumna, often the challenges women in particular face are not deliberately placed there. Yet, she says, they are often just as insurmountable:
“There are so many things that get in the way for women, from language and imagery to practical life experience and inaccessible support structures. My inspiration is my work with women at a grass roots level to enable me to bring real life insights to policy makers to compel them to make deliberate changes to make sure women are proactively encouraged and supported in a way that’s appropriate to them,” Bennett says.
So, with so many barriers to success in the way of women, what advice would Bennett offer to aspiring female entrepreneurs?
“I would encourage any woman looking for fulfilment through starting a business to seriously consider this sector. I have met many wonderful and inspiring people, have travelled the world, and gained so much satisfaction from my work, I would be keen for anyone to share this with me.
“As the Japanese notion of ‘Ikigai’ suggests, ‘your true passion and calling in life is what gets you up every morning’”.
Profound in her advice, the Durham University Business School alumna is also keen to impart a sense of urgency.
“This is a global challenge, impacting on the lives of billions of women and girls, so there’s a lot to do!”
You can read Dinah’s story here.
For Anna Comas, CEO and Co-Founder at Min Organics, and GBSB Global Business School’s 2022 G-Accelerator winner, it was an awareness of the inadequacies in the intimate hygiene industry that inspired the decision to launch her business.
“There has certainly not been a better time to start these adventures that require courage on one’s … [+]
“It has not evolved enough to meet the challenges we currently face as a society,” Comas notes.
But Min Organics, an online retailer of bulk organic menstrual products, wasn’t just launched with women in mind:
“We want to offer menstruating people products that make an impact on the environment through products that are biodegradable and compostable and are a far cry from today’s tampons and pads that are made from plastic and synthetic materials,” says Min Organics’ CEO.
Products from Min Organics are made from 100% organic cotton, are hypoallergenic and respectful of vaginal pH. “Caring for bodies and the environment is our absolute priority and reason for being,” asserts Comas, staunchly.
So what does the GBSB Global Business School alumna and CEO of Min Organics think about other women pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities going forward?
“I believe that society is becoming more and more prepared to support women in their professional careers. Today there are many organisms that offer financing to women entrepreneurs, as well as incubators created by and for women, so there has certainly not been a better time to start these adventures that require courage on one’s part, but certainly need support from society.”
You can read Anna’s story here.
For Deirdre Mc Gettrick, who studied an MSc in Finance at Trinity Business School in Dublin, and founder of, the UK’s top search and discovery platform for home furniture and furnishings, it’s never been more important to draw attention to female founders and investors.
“I am particularly proud that so many of my investors are females and include experienced … [+]
And, with operating in the tech space – a notoriously male-dominated industry – achieving as much representation for women is undoubtedly a priority for Mc Gettrick:
“I am particularly proud that so many of my investors are females and include experienced businesswomen who have a strong record in building and growing businesses from whom I can draw down on advice when required.”
With such success at attracting investors to finance her business, what advice would Mc Gettrick give to other founders? In a word: network.
“Founders should look at their employment history and track down colleagues who they have previously worked with,” she says.
“Having worked together, they will recognise all the qualities that you have that will make you succeed. Even if they don’t have funds themselves, they are likely to have 1-2 connections in their network they could introduce you to. A warm introduction is the most valuable thing you can get,” Mc Gettrick adds.
For Rima Suppan and Morgan Mixon, Co-Founder of Peachies and respectively MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Management and MBA graduates from Imperial College Business School, despite the “rising tide” of solutions and innovations designed by and for women, such products are “long overdue”.
“The confidence that comes with focusing on your idea, your customers and your personal growth … [+]
And so, what started for Mixon and her co-founder Rime Suppan as a business school project to undertake while at Imperial quickly became so much more:
“We became obsessed with solving the ‘nappy problem’ – one of the last essential goods where the norms are commoditized products, outdated marketing tropes and an analogue customer experience. We believe there is a huge opportunity to radically improve a family’s relationship with nappies and their nappy company,” Mixon says.
Peachies, formerly Cleannest, is ‘the next generation nappy brand supporting families through the first 1,000 days with their little ones.’
“Peachies is an ode to the women around us that have inspired us, supported us and pushed us to think outside the box. We design for our sisters (I’m an aunt 6 times over), friends, the working moms, the moms leading on holding down the fort at home, and truly every mom that is balancing 1 million things at once to raise happy, healthy children,” Mixon notes.
Mixon takes the time to pay homage to the all-important female caregivers in the world, but also their male counterparts:
“But it’s also the dads, the grandparents and the other carers that make up a child’s community. It’s about normalising and celebrating different family structures and the wild, difficult and beautiful journey that is raising children.”
It’s clear that, for Mixon and her colleagues at Peachies, this is more than just a business selling nappies:
“We’re changing babycare one product and service at a time across the first 1,000 days parents share with their little ones – from pregnancy to the child’s second birthday. This period is crucial in a child’s individual development and, ultimately, their collective development as the inheritors of society.”
What advice would this game-changer give to others looking to make their mark on an industry?
“Surf the waves! This is my 2023 mindset and I realise it’s easier said than done. I’ve done a lot of work on myself to get to the point where I embrace this motto. The confidence that comes with focusing on your idea, your customers and your personal growth prepares you for the relentless swells that come with starting and running a business. Finding joy in what you do is essential,” Mixon says.
You can read Morgan and Rima’s story here.
Another Yale SOM alumna, Markea Dickinson-Frasier launched Thermaband – a health-tech company that provides provides to users via a smart bracelet, accompanied by a mobile app – in 2019 while studying for her MBA.
“Don’t seek early external validation from anyone but your future customers. Your potential … [+]
“I’d always been passionate about democratizing access to resources for underserved communities, and providing a voice in spaces where certain voices aren’t represented,” Dickinson-Frasier explains.
But, for the Thermabrand founder, it was her mother experiencing a hot flash that brought home the need for innovations in to support those that suffer from sudden bursts of over- or under-heating.
“I saw so many antiquated solutions that just don’t give women any dignity whatsoever,” she says. Unwilling to simply accept the limited options available, Dickinson-Frasier decided to fill that gap.
And she’s got big ambitions for Thermabrand: “Our grand vision is for Thermaband to become the standard of care for thermal health, recommended by physicians, made accessible through employers, and to ultimately revolutionize women’s health through a suite of advanced technology and digital insights.”
Eyes firmly gazed on the future, that doesn’t stop the Yale SOM alumna from reflecting her time at business school:
“The Yale ecosystem in general was so valuable throughout the early stages of launching Thermaband,” she says, citing the likes of the school’s Startup Founders Practicum, Innovator course, and Entrepreneurial Institute as all being key to her success.
Much like many of the other founders featured in this article, the Thermabrand founder is keen to share her experience with future female entrepreneurs. Dickinson-Frasier invokes similar themes to that of other founders – resilience, passion and self-belief:
“Don’t seek early external validation from anyone but your future customers. Your potential customers will keep you grounded in the idea, keep the flame of passion, and ensure that you know you’re not crazy when the rest of the world is telling you that you are!”
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