After The Kerala Story and Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, yet another small film has taken a much bigger than expected opening. While the aforementioned two films still had a budget of Rs. 20-30 crores and were mounted on a relatively higher scale, 1920: Horrors of the Heart is a far smaller family made with practically Rs. 9-10 actors with not even a junior artist in sight. It’s, what you term, as a ‘budget movie’ and from that perspective, the opening day itself has ensured that the makers would be able to profit out of it.

1920 Horrors of the Heart Box Office Film takes a much bigger than expected opening on Friday

1920: Horrors of the Heart Box Office: Film takes a much bigger than expected opening on Friday

The first day was expected to be in Rs. 25-50 lakkhs range at best but absence of any other new release, be it from Bollywood or Hollywood, meant that it was just competing with last week’s release Adipurush and holdover release Zara Hatke Zara Bachke. Both these films also collected in a similar range on Friday which means 1920: Horrors of the Heart was actually in a level playing zone with Rs. 1.48 crores coming in and that too at a much lesser count of screens and shows.

Start of this Krishna Bhatt directed horror film has ensured that one can now expect a lifetime of Rs. 10 crores and that would at least keep some sort of theatrical business coming for a week till SatyaPrem Ki Katha arrives on Thursday.

Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources

More Pages: 1920 – Horrors of the Heart Box Office Collection , 1920 – Horrors of the Heart Movie Review


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