Benefits of Ragi: 5 Reasons How This High-Fiber Grain Can Curb Your Hunger Pangs And Promote Weight Loss


Rich In protein and fibre, 5 reasons why you must include ragi grain in your diet for quick weight loss.

Benefits of Ragi: 5 Reasons How This High-Fiber Grain Can Curb Your Hunger Pangs And Promote Weight Loss
Benefits of Ragi: 5 Reasons How This High-Fiber Grain Can Curb Your Hunger Pangs And Promote Weight Loss

Millet or ragi is quite popular in the Southern regions and is regularly used in kitchens. Loaded with iron, calcium, protein, iron and other vital minerals, this grain is beneficial for overall being. It is rich in fibre and contains very less unsaturated fat which makes it a perfect food for people who wanna lose weight. However, there are other benefits of adding this wholesome nutritious grain in your everyday diet. Read on!

5 Reasons You Should Include Ragi in Your Everyday Diet

  1. Weight Loss: The high fibre content in ragi prevents you from overeating and keeps you full for a longer period of time. So, if you want to shed those extra kilos you can substitute wheat and rice for ragi to prevent obesity.
  2. Heart Health: Ragi flour contains a good amount of magnesium and potassium which is essential for maintaining a healthy heart. The essential nutrients in ragi prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver and lowers the cholesterol in the body.
  3. Prevents Diabetes: Regular Consumption of ragi can put you at a less risk of diabetes. This is because ragi is high in fibre which helps manage high blood sugar levels and helps in curbing your hunger pangs.
  4. Aids Digestion: The high level of dietary fibre in ragi helps in proper digestion, reduces constipation, bloating and other digestive disorders. Ragi helps in maintaining gut health and preventing other stomach ailments.
  5. Healthy Bones: Ragi is considered to be one of the best non-diary sources of calcium. Calcium is a essential mineral for keeping your bones healthy and adequate amount can prevent the risk of osteoporosis in adults.