Actor Aditi Rao Hydari is all set for her upcoming period drama web series Jubilee as she attended the screening of the series in Mumbai on Thursday. However, she wasn’t alone. She arrived at the event with her rumoured boyfriend, actor Siddharth and was seen blushing when paps called them ‘lovely jodi.’ Also read: Siddharth dances to Tum Tum song with rumoured girlfriend Aditi Rao Hydari, fans say: ‘Waiting for marriage…’
A video of Aditi and Siddharth has arrived on social media. In it, the two are seen arriving at the screening together. While Aditi opted for a traditional look in a black anarkali suit, Siddharth looked casual in a white shirt and white blue trousers. As the two posed for paparazzi together, they were teased by photographers who kept telling them, ‘Kya baat hai (wow)’.
The media is also heard telling Aditi and Siddharth ‘sharmaiye mat (don’t be shy)’ as they nearly laughed while posing next to each other. After striking poses, someone from the media also went on to say ‘lovely jodi (nice couple)’ to them. Reacting to it, the two kept smiling and blushing.
After the video was shared online, a user commented, “I never knew they r dating.” “Are they dating,” added another one. Someone else also said in the comments, “She’s soo pretty.”
Siddharth and Aditi, are reportedly, dating. It is believed that they met on the sets of their film Maha Samundram in 2021 after which they started seeing each other. They have neither confirmed nor denied the rumours.
Aditi and Siddharth were seen together at the wedding of actor couple Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa in Chandigarh in 2021. Since then they have been seen together several times out and about in Mumbai.
Earlier, Aditi shared a dance video with Siddharth to the Tamil song, Tum Tum. While it further strengthened their dating rumours, she later addressed her dating reports. In an interview with Mid-day, the actor said, “Since I’m working I am not looking at that. People will talk and you can’t stop them from talking. They will do what they find interesting and I am doing what I find interesting, which is going to set. I think it’s ok. And the thing is as long as I have amazing work to do and working with directors I love, and as long as people accept me and watch me, I am really happy.”
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