Akshay Kumar announced his latest film Selfiee with Emraan Hashmi in a social media post on Wednesday. “Found myself the perfect #Selfiee partner! Hey @karanjohar, have we slayed this selfie game or what? @therealemraan” the superstar wrote, alongside a photo of him taking a selfie with Hashmi on the bike. Hashmi also shared the same picture on Instagram and expressed his excitement at being part of the movie. “Joining the #Selfiee club with @akshaykumar !Selfie,” he said.
Producer Karan Johar too posted about his upcoming project “Something big is coming up No two others can slay it like you both @akshaykumar & @therealemraan Stay tuned, something big is coming up,” the filmmaker captioned the post on his Instagram Stories.
Selfiee is reportedly a remake of 2019 Malayalam-language comedy-drama Driving Licence. It featured Prithviraj Sukumaran as a superstar and Suraj Venjaramoodu in the role of a motor vehicle inspector. Directed by Lal Jr from a script by Sachy, Driving License revolves around a superstar famous for his driving skills but loses his licence. However, the issue spins out of control after he locks horns with a motor inspector, who happens to be a fan of the actor.
As per reports, Raj Mehta of Good Newwz fame is to direct Selfiee but the makers are yet to make an official announcement.
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