Alia Bhatt made a stellar debut at fashion’s biggest night on the first Monday of May (Tuesday IST). Alia walked the Met Gala 2023 red carpet as designer Prabal Gurung’s muse, and they paid their tribute to Karl Lagerfeld, who inspired the dress code – In Honour of Karl. Now, Prabal Gurung is revealing all the details that went into making the moment possible. He shared that Alia’s dress was hand-embroidered in India, where he first met the actor, and how this was not the first time Alia had got a chance to attend the Met Gala. Keep scrolling to find all details about Alia Bhatt’s debut revealed by her designer.
All details about Alia Bhatt’s Met Gala look
Alia Bhatt wore a white bridal dress for her debut at the Met Gala, a nod to Karl Lagerfeld’s genius and infamous bridal collection. Alia’s dress took inspiration from supermodel Claudia Schiffer’s 1992 Chanel bridal look, which Dua Lipa wore to the red carpet. Alia and Prabal connected Karl’s genius with a touch of India to create the perfect look. Her white gown featured 1 lakh pearls, hand-embroidered in India on silk tulle and made in Atelier Prabal Gurung in New York. Additionally, they paid an ode to the designer’s sunglasses by opting for smudgy-defined eyes with Kajal on the inside. Lastly, a pearl-embellished bow on her half-tied hairdo gave the finishing touch.
Prabal Gurung also took to Instagram to reveal how Alia’s debut could finally be a reality. He disclosed that he first met the actor at Karan Johar’s 40th birthday party and had heard rave reviews about her from his brother and Karan. “I was immediately taken by her when I met her. A petite ingénue whose simmering fire within her was palpable to all of us. One film after another, she has surpassed anyone’s expectations and thrilled us with her creative genius. She’s a powerhouse performer. To me, she is one of the finest actors we have right now globally,” he wrote.
Prabal also revealed that he had invited the actor to the Met Gala before, but she had always asked him to wait for the right moment. “We’ve talked about a Met moment for a long time. I have invited her before, but she’s always been wise enough to say let’s wait. This time, however, she felt it was the right moment, so she said yes and off we went to our wildest imaginations,” he added.
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