Amazon Prime Video has announced its upcoming original series titled Crash Course. The show will premiere on the OTT platform on July 29. Crash Course features an ensemble cast of eight fresh faces—Mohit Solanki, Hridhu Haroon, Anushka Kaushik, Riddhi Kumar, Bhavesh Balchandani, Aryan Singh, Hetal Gada and Anvesha Vij. These new stars will be seen along with Annu Kapoor, Bhanu Uday, Udit Arora, Pranay Pachauri and Bidita Bag. The show has been created by Manish Hariprasad and directed by Vijay Maurya.
The drama series, spanning 10 episodes, is a fictional account of two warring coaching institutes, and the effect it has on a group of young students, who are preparing for their competitive exams, with dreams in their eyes and expectation of their families on their back. As the two drastically different worlds of the students and coaching institute owners collide, eight new students experience friendship, love, heartbreaks, peer pressure, and lose the innocence of youth as they are unwillingly pulled into the power battle.
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