Actor Annu Kapoor, who is currently on a tour of Europe, said that his bag was stolen in Dijon Ville, near Paris. Taking to Instagram, Annu posted a video in which he said that a few people came to help him with his luggage, while boarding the train. However, they stole his Prada bag in which he had kept his cash, iPad, diary, and credit card among other belongings. He also warned people travelling to the country to stay alert. (Also Read | Annu Kapoor recalls rejection in Barry John’s play despite being top scorer: ‘I was mentally disturbed’)
In the over one-minute long video, Annu spoke in Hindi, and said, “My Prada bag was stolen, which had a lot of cash in swiss franc and euros, my iPad, my diary and credit card. They stole everything, so whenever you visit France, be very careful as there are pick-pockets, dishonest people and thieves here.” The actor was seen sitting inside a train as he spoke into the camera.
“After reaching Paris, I’ll file a complaint with the Paris police. Here the railway officials have supported me saying they will accompany me there. So be careful, when you come to France be very alert from the thieves here. I met with a huge tragedy, but thank God I have my passport with me. But I lost my credit card and cash. I thought I should warn you if you’re planning to travel to France,” he also added.
Annu captioned the post, “I am on a tour to Europe, sadly my bag with my gadgets and valuables has been stolen in France.” He also tagged the ministry of external affairs, external affairs minister S Jaishankar, France tourism, France police, and the Embassy of India, Paris in the caption.
In another post on Wednesday, Annu shared a video as he stood at a train station after arriving from Paris Gare de Lyon. He said people in the country are proud of their literature, painting, and the French revolution. Annu added, “I’ve noticed 50 per cent of the people are very arrogant and snobs.” He said that as the ‘thieves’ stole everything from him on June 18, he posted the video to warn people wanting to travel to France.
Annu also said called out France’s rail service, TGV, which was well-known in France, as a ‘bakwas (nonsense) and impractical’ train. He said that if a person is travelling with a small backpack there is only enough space to keep that. However, for those who are travelling with luggage, there is no space to keep their belongings.
Annu also said that after looking at the TGV, he feels ‘Bharat ki rail isse dus guna acchi hai (India’s railways is ten times better)’. He captioned the clip, “Sharing with you experience of my trip to Dijon Ville and Paris in France. #europetraveldiaries #travel #traveldiaries #europe #parisfrance.”
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