Anushka Sharma, who is currently in South Africa, accompanying husband Virat Kohli on a tour along with daughter Vamika, has been sharing some stunning pictures from her trip. On Thursday, the actress shared two pictures where she is seen soaking in the sun, with her hair left loose. Anushka, who was clearly enjoying a good hair day, captioned the post as ‘Hair- there- everywhere.’ In the pictures, Anushka is seen wearing a black ruffled shit and with no makeup.
Arjun Kapoor posted a funny comment on the picture, “Baal ki hair a pheri.”
Anushka Sharma recently thanked media houses and paparazzi for not circulating videos and pictures of her daughter Vamika. The `PK` actor took to her Instagram handle and shared a story in which she wrote, “We are deeply thankful to the Indian paparazzi and most of the media fraternity for not publishing pictures/videos of Vamika. As parents, our request to the few who carried the images/video will be to support us going forward. We seek privacy for our child and would like to do our best to give her a chance to live her life freely away from media and social media.”
“As she is older we cannot restrict her movement and hence your support is needed so kindly practice restraint in the matter. A special thank you to fan clubs and people of the internet for going out of your way to not post images. It was kind and highly mature of you,” Anushka added.
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