Shreya Ghoshal is celebrating her birthday on Sunday. The actor is known among the most melodious and successful singers in the Indian film industry ever since she started out more than two decades ago. While she continues to entertain her fans with her new outings, Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar song Maine Pi Rakhi Hai being the latest one, her fans also love her occasional candid pics with son Devyaan on Instagram. Also read: Sudha Murty dances to Guru’s Barso Re as Shreya Ghoshal sings. Watch
Shreya tied the knot with her childhood friend Shiladitya Mukhopadhyaya in 2015. They welcomed son Devyaan in 2021. Shreya shares beautiful candid pictures with Devyaan and husband Shiladitya on special occasions like festivals, birthdays and anniversaries. She recently wished her fans on Holi with a colourful picture of them together. While she and Shiladitya were twinning in white and blue, the little one was in a striped black and white tee and black pants. On the wedding anniversary of his parents, he decked up in a black suit as he joined them for some family pictures.
Last year in November, Shreya had shared a video to show how Devyaan had accompanied her to her concert for the first time. She wrote with it, “So this happened finally! Devyaan attended his momma’s concert. He even hung out with me on the stage during my sound check. My heart was exploding with excitement and love. He was so curious the whole time. He was blessed by all my band members and crew. Bay Area concert was an epic one for so many reasons. A sold out Oracle arena. And my entire family was seated in the audience. I was very emotional. Ma Baba Soum Shilo and little Devyaan. God is kind.”
Shreya had not revealed his face when she had announced his name in 2021. She had written, “Introducing- ‘Devyaan Mukhopadhyaya’ He arrived on 22nd May & changed our lives forever. In that first glimpse as he was born he filled our hearts with a kind of love only a mother, a father can feel for their child. Pure uncontrollable overwhelming love @shiladitya.”
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