Bollywood star Ranveer Singh recently received a special surprise from one of his fans on the occasion of his birthday. Ayesha Gandhi, an artiste, designed a portrait of Ranveer bedazzled with 100,000 crystals in a span of almost three months. The artiste made the incredible artwork to gift Ranveer on behalf of her mother Shagun Chaudhry, who is a huge fan of the actor.
She took to Instagram to share a picture of Ranveer posing next to his portrait. Ayesha wrote in the caption: “For those reading this, let me begin by saying that my mother @shagunchaudhry is a die-hard fan of Ranveer Singh, and makes sure that she catches all his movies… and that’s not the case with any other actor. So, I wanted to do something special for my mom’s favourite actor, on his birthday.” – IANS
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