Actor-couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh attended Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s son Anant Ambani’s engagement with Radhika Merchant in Mumbai this week. The couple was among a host of celebrities who arrived at the wedding festivities, decked in traditional outfits. While Ranveer chose a dapper ethnic look in a black three-piece sherwani set, Deepika looked stunning as ever in a sindoor-hued saree and blouse set styled with standout accessories. If you loved Deepika’s ensemble, we have found the exact price of the six yards she wore to the celebrations held at Ambani’s home Antilia. (Also Read | Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh in stylish airport fits prove why they will always be Bollywood’s fashion king and queen)
What is the price of Deepika Padukone’s saree?
The saree Deepika Padukone chose to wear to attend Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s engagement festivities is a perfect pick for brides-to-be on their wedding day or a new bride for post-wedding celebrations. The six yards is from the shelves of the clothing label Torani and is called the Sindoori Taashi Saari Set. Adding it to your collection would cost you ₹1,82,000.
Coming to the design elements, Deepika’s sheer saree comes in a bright red shade with dori embroidery in floral patterns, gold sequin decorations, and Chevron lace in silk organza. She draped the six yards traditionally, letting the pallu fall elegantly from her shoulders in a floor-sweeping train.
Deepika wore the saree with a full hand-embroidered bandhgala blouse featuring a backless detail, butterfly net, gold dori embroidery and heavy sequin embellishments. She went for a pearl and emerald choker necklace, matching heavy jhumki earrings, a diamond ring and high heels to accessorise the traditional ensemble.
In the end, Deepika chose a low sleek bun, subtle shimmering smoky eye shadow, kohl-lined eyes, winged eyeliner, mascara on the lashes, nude mauve lip shade, feathered eyebrows, blushed cheeks and glowing skin for the glam picks.
Meanwhile, new brides-to-be or newlyweds can pick Deepika’s saree for glamming up their traditional wear closets. You can either go for bold styling like Deepika or keep things minimal with open tresses, statement earrings and soft glam picks.
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