Destiny 2 Season Of The Deep: Weekly Challenge Guide


Destiny 2 returns to the foreground with Season of the Deep. Destiny 2’s 21st season has Guardians returning to the watery moon of Titan, the largest moon revolving around Saturn. These missions will reunite players with Deputy Commander Sloan, who has discovered a massive creature living beneath the waters of Titan. Delve into the secrets of underwater facilities, battling Taken and other enemies of the Witness.

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Every week, players will gain access to a new set of weekly seasonal challenges. These challenges will vary in difficulty and offer multiple rewards, from XP to help progress the season pass to Bright Dust to go toward purchases from the Eververse store.

Updated by Jeff Brooks on July 5, 2023: the guide has been updated to include all of the week 7 challenges introduced in Destiny 2’s Season of the Deep.

Season Of The Deep: Week 1 Challenges

destiny 2 season of the deep underwater facility

Into The Depths 1

Complete the Week 1 “Into the Depths” mission.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

When first logging on and selecting your character after Season of the Deep has begun, you should be immediately pulled into the intro mission: The Descent. If you need to leave or drop out for whatever reason, simply navigate over to the Titan location. After completing the intro mission, you’ll need to visit the nearby Holoprojector to begin the first step of Into the Depths.

Successful Salvager

Successfully complete jobs in Salvage activities.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

The new Salvage activity introduced in Season of the Deep has you and your fire team completing several objectives up on the surface of Titan before descending into the depths to face a fierce boss opponent. Head to the H.E.L.M., boot up the Salvage activity, and complete 5 jobs over the course of a few games.

EDZ Activities

In the EDZ, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

This challenge is fairly straightforward. Simply load into the EDZ patrol location on Earth and take part in various location-based activities. Pick up some bounties from Devrim Kay, take part in Patrols and Public Events, and delve into Lost Sectors scattered around the EDZ map.

Spark Defender

Score points in Rift. Bonus progress is awarded for igniting the Rift.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

It’s time to dive into Crucible! Boot up the Rift playlist activity from the Crucible menu, and do your best to score points in Rift. You will gain points for every team Rift ignition, though you’ll gain bonus progress on this challenge if you are the one to ignite the Rift. Play safe, play smart, and above all: make Lord Shaxx proud!

The Fallen Fall

Defeat Fallen combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Another fairly straightforward challenge. You’ll simply want to eliminate Fallen opponents in strikes or Vanguard playlist activities. If you’re not in a rush to complete this, you can simply run off the random Vanguard playlist all you want; eventually, you will encounter and slay enough Fallen to finish this challenge. If you’re in a rush, or you just want some more of that sweet sweet Bright Dust right away, consider focus running specific strikes, like Fallen S.A.B.E.R. at the Cosmodrome, which will pit you and your fire team against Fallen enemies specifically.

Front Line Salvage 1

Complete Salvage or Deep Dive activities while using an Arc or Strand subclass.

Additionally, defeat Fallen anywhere in the system.

  • Seasonal activities 0/3
  • Fallen 0/50

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Season of the Deep comes with brand-new seasonal activities — Salvage and Deep Dive — which come with their own new locations and unique objectives. In order to complete this challenge, simply boot up these playlist activities with your Arc or Strand subclass equipped. The second part of this challenge pairs nicely with ‘The Fallen Fall,’ as it requires you to slay Fallen anywhere in the system.

The One That Didn’t Get Away

Catch fish at any Fish Pond.

Additionally, complete public events on any destination.

  • Fish 0/50
  • Public Events 0/2

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Season of the Deep comes with a brand-new past time to the game: fishing! Seek out Fish Ponds at specific locations, and get to fishin’! You’ll also want to complete some Public Events while you’re out there; consider pairing both of these objectives with your EDZ Activities weekly challenge by fishing and completing these patrols in the EDZ.

Taking All Challenges

Complete weekly playlist challenges.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Yet another straightforward challenge to start off the new season, you’ll simply want to progress this challenge by playing the game’s activities. By completing the playlist challenges for Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit (for example), you’ll earn progress toward the ‘Taking All Challenges’ weekly challenge. Whether you complete them all this first week, or you take your time, this will net you some easy XP and Bright Dust in no time.

Standard Issue

Defeat targets in Gambit with Primary ammo. Bonus progress is granted for using Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, and Scout Rifles. Bonus progress also is granted for defeating Guardians.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

The Drifter is calling! Head into Gambit and focus on eliminating enemies with primary ammo. You’ll progress even more quickly using Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, and Scout Rifles, and you’ll progress even more quickly than that by defeating invading Guardians — or enemy Guardians you yourself have invaded. Get those motes!

Calibrate Close Range

Calibrate close-range weapons – Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Glaives, and Swords. Bonus progress for defeating Guardians.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Time to get in close, Guardian. Close-range weapons fall into either Sidearms, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Glaives, or Swords. Simply equip your favorites for these devastating weapon types and head out into the world to do battle with the enemies of the Traveler.

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Season Of The Deep: Week 2 Challenges

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep

Into The Depths II

Complete the Week 2 “Into the Depths” mission.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

It’s time to continue the weekly seasonal storyline, Into The Depths. Head to the H.E.L.M. to speak with Zavala via holoprojector to begin the exciting next step following Sloan and Ahsa’s evolving storyline.

Powerful Salvager

Defeat powerful combatants in Salvage activities.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Powerful Salvager is a very straightforward challenge for this week, and one that you can complete in synergy with Into the Depths. When Into The Depths asks you to complete a Salvage activity, boot up and get to work hunting down the powerful combatants in the activity. You’ll likely finish this after one round of the activity, but if not, simply boot it up again.

Throne World Activities

In the Throne World, complete bounties and earn progress by completing patrols, public events, and looting Lost Sectors.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Time to revisit Savathun’s Throne World! Pick up daily bounties and travel around the location defeating enemies, completing patrols, public events, and delving into the Lost Sectors hidden around the map. As long as you spend some decent time here, you’re bound to finish in no time.

Flourish Of Power

Defeat Guardians in the Mayhem playlist with Super abilities.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Lord Shaxx is calling! Head into Crucible and the Mayhem playlist to get Super elims against opposing Guardians. Mayhem recharges your abilities at a wildly increased speed, so you’ll be throwing them out left and right. Mayhem is only in the Crucible rotation for a limited time, so make sure to complete this one as soon as possible.

Taken Decimator

Defeat Taken combatants in Vanguard playlists or strikes. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Time to hunt down some Taken in strikes. Either in targeted strikes or by chance when playing through the Vanguard playlist activities, you’ll need to build quite the body count here. If you’re not opposed to focused on a specific strike, rather than leaving it to chance with the Vanguard playlist, consider booting up Lake of Shadows in EDZ; this strike is swarming with Taken, and you’ll finish this challenge in no time.

Front Line Salvager II

Open chests in Salvage. Redeeming Salvage Keys grants additional progress.

Additionally, defeat Taken anywhere in the system.

  • Salvage Chests 0%
  • Taken 0/50

Rewards: Challenger XP+

This challenge pairs nicely with the earlier Into The Depths II and Powerful Salvager challenges. You’ll simply need to open chests in Salvage at the end of the activity. The second half of this challenge — defeating Taken — can easily be completed in conjunction with the Taken Decimator challenge just above.

Antithetical Armaments

Defeat targets with Shotguns or Sniper Rifles. Defeated Guardians or defeated combatants in Salvage or Deep Dive activities grant additional progress.

  • Shotgun or Sniper Rifle final blows 0%

Rewards: Challenger XP+

A rare combo, you’ll need to defeat enemies with Shotguns or Sniper Rifles; but why not both? Equip your favorites (though be careful with your special ammo). You’ll receive bonus progress when defeating combatants in Salvage or Deep Dive, which gives this challenge some excellent synergy with the other Salvage-related challenges for this week.

Lost In The Legend

Complete a Lost Sector on Legend or higher.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

It’s time to run some challenging Lost Sector content. The Legend (or higher) Lost Sector rotates each day, so make sure to check the planetary locations to determine where you’ll be heading. Legendary Lost Sectors can provide a serious challenge, so make sure you equip the relevant Champion mods or weapons to deal with them; otherwise, you’re in for a world of hurt.

Primeval Entourage

Defeat Taken in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Drifter needs your help! Or at least he wants it. It’s time to boot up Gambit and slay some Taken. This can synergize nicely with your other Taken-related challenge this week. If you’re not much for Gambit (especially since the game mode hasn’t been updated in an age), you might benefit from holding off on diving in just yet; let your other Gambit-related challenges build up later in the season; then, you can work toward them all at once.

Calibrate Long Range

Calibrate long-range weapons — Pulse Rifles, Bows, and Trace Rifles. Bonus progress is granted for defeating Guardians.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Equip your favorite long-range weapons (Pulse Rifle, Bow, or Trace Rifle) and get out there and slay, Guardian. Bonus progress against fellow Guardians in the Crucible, but you should have no trouble completing this challenge simply working toward any of the other weekly challenges.

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Season Of The Deep: Week 3 Challenges

Destiny 2 Ghost of the Deep

Into The Depths III

Complete the Week 3 “Into the Depths” mission.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

It’s time to delve back into the depths for week 3 of the ‘Into the Depths’ seasonal storyline for Season of the Deep. This week pits Guardians against Kelgorath, Taken from Bones in a new story mission.

Depth Charge

Defeat bosses in Salvage activities.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

This challenge is fairly straightforward. Simple roll through some Salvage seasonal activities and defeat bosses. After a few runs, you should have this one completed.

Nessus Activities

On Nessus, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Another weekly location-based activity challenge, you’ll want to visit sunny Nessus for your Vex-slaying needs. You’ll complete this challenge by finishing and turning in bounties, taking part in patrols and public events, and completing Lost Sectors.

Cosmic Churn

Defeat Guardians in Crucible. Bonus progress is granted for opponents defeat with Arc, Strand, and Void ability final blows.

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

Lord Shaxx is calling, Guardians! Head into any Crucible game mode and slay enemy Guardians with Arc, Strand, or Void ability final blows.

Ultimate Champion

Defeat Champions in any Nightfall strike on Hero difficulty or higher. Earn bonus progress at higher difficulty tiers.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

It’s time to boot up a Nightfall Strike. You can play on Hero difficulty, but if you’re eager for the challenge, you can dive into a Grandmaster Nightfall strike. Either way, your goal is to defeat Champions in these Nightfall strikes, so make sure you’ve got the right mods equipped to take them out quickly.

Front Line Salvager III

Complete Salvage or Deep Dive activities while wielding any Season of the Deep weapon.

Additionally, defeat targets with Arc or Strand damage anywhere in the system. Guardians grant additional progress.

  • Seasonal activities 0/3
  • Arc or Strand damage 0/50

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Boot up either Salvage or Deep Dive activities with Season of the Deep weapons equipped. These weapons include: Thin Precipice, Targeted Redaction, Rapacious Appetite, Different Times, Until Its Return, and A Distant Pull. Additionally, you’ll want to slay enemies with Arc or Strand damage anywhere in the system. Guardians will finish this counter more quickly, but even if you slay bodies on Nessus to work toward that challenge completion, you’ll still finish this leg of the challenge in no time.

Short-Range Salvager

Defeat targets with Submachine Guns or Swords. Defeated Guardians or combatants defeated in Salvage or Deep Dive activities grant additional progress.

  • Submachine Gun or Sword final blows 0%

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Another straightforward challenge. Simply equip your favorite Submachine Gun or Sword and defeat targets to earn progress. The Rapacious Appetite or Thin Precipice seasonal weapons can help progress this challenge along with Front Line Salvager III.

Commendation Appreciation

Earn progress for giving commendations in Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit activities.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

It’s good to call attention to your fire team’s contributions! At the end of any Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit activity, make sure to pass out commendations (especially for best dressed!) in order to progress and complete this challenge.

Bank, Kill, Repeat

Earn points by banking Motes, defeating Blockers, and defeating Guardians in Gambit.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Drifter needs you for whatever it is he’s really up to. Earn points in Gambit by banking Motes, defeating Guardians, and defeating Blockers sent by the other team.

Mid-Range Calibration

Calibrate mid-range weapons — Hand Cannons, Glaives, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, and Machine Guns. Bonus progress is granted for defeating Guardians.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Equip your favorite mid-range weapons and get to slaying, Guardian! Different Times, a Season of the Deep Pulse Rifle, can help you make fast progress in this challenge as well as helping to complete Front Line Salvager III. Synergy, Guardian. Synergy!

RELATED: Destiny 2: Season Of The Deep – Best Artifact Mods, Ranked

Season Of The Deep: Week 4 Challenges

Press Kit Screenshot of the Ghosts of the Deep Underwater Area in Destiny 2

Into The Depths IV

Complete the Week 4 “Into the Depths” mission.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Deep Diver

Successfully complete encounters at any depth in Deep Dive activities. Pressure Trial encounters grant increased progress.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Mod Collector

Unlock artifact mods.

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

Sound Of Metal

Defeat targets with Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, and Scout Rifles in Gambit. Bonus progress is granted for defeating Guardians.

  • Auto Rifle 0/100
  • Hand Cannon 0/100
  • Scout Rifle 0/100

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

Precision Calibration

Calibrate marksman weapons—Scout Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Linear Fusion Rifles—by landing precision final blows. Bonus progress against Guardians.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Front Line Salvager IV

Complete Salvage or Deep Dive activities while using a Void subclass.

Additionally, defeat Hive anywhere in the system.

  • Seasonal activities 0/3
  • Hive 0/50

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Commendable Salvager

Give or receive commendations in matchmade Salvage activities.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Momentum Crash

Defeat Guardians in Momentum Control. Earn bonus progress with Zone Advantage.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Darkest Nightfall

Complete any Nightfall strike on Hero difficulty or higher.

Rewards: Nightfall Weapon, Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

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Season Of The Deep: Week 5 Challenges

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep

Into The Depths V

Complete the Week 5 “Into the Depths” mission.

Rewards: Challenge XP+

Heavy Salvager

Defeat combatants with Power weapons in Salvage activities.

Rewards: Challenge XP+

Battle Rhythm

Defeat targets anywhere in the system while using Auto Rifles, HandCannons, Scout Rifles, Glaives, or Linear Fusion Rifles. Bonus progress is granted for defeating Guardians.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Iron Sharpens Iron

Complete Iron Banner matches. Earn bonus progress for wins.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Front Line Salvager V

Complete 8 bounties from the Sonar Station in the H.E.L.M.

Additionally, defeat powerful combatants anywhere in the system.

  • Bounties 0/8
  • Powerful combatants 0/25

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Prepared For War

Defeat targets with Hand Cannons or Pulse Rifles. Defeated Guardians or combatants defeated in Salvage or Deep Dive activities grant additional progress.

  • Hand Cannon or Pulse Rifle final blows 0%

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Gotta Win Them All

Complete activities in Vanguard, Gambit, or Crucible playlists. Bonus progress is granted for completing Vanguard playlist activities at Hero difficulty or higher, or for winning Gambit or Crucible Matches.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Flood Tide

Acquire Last Rite.

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

RELATED: Destiny 2 Season Of The Deep: Broke Blade Of Strife Exotic Quest Guide

Season Of The Deep: Week 6 Challenges

Destiny 2 Season of the Deep

Into The Depths VI

Complete the Week 6 “Into the Depths” mission.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Under Pressure

Successfully complete a Pressure Trial encounter at any depth in a Deep Dive activity.

Additionally, defeat bosses and minibosses in Deep Dive Activities.

  • Pressure Trial
  • Bosses and Minibosses 0/7

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Round And Round We Go

Generate Orbs of Power in Vanguard, Gambit, or Crucible playlists.

Rewards: Challenger XP+, Bright Dust

Boss Battle

Defeat bosses in strikes or Vanguard playlists.

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

Front Line Salvager VI

Open chests in Deep Dive activities. Redeeming Deep Dive Keys grants bonus progress.

Additionally, defeat targets with Void damage anywhere in the system. Guardians grant increased progress.

  • Deep Dive Chests 0%
  • Void Kills 0/50

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Go Big (Fish) Or Go Home

Catch large or bigger fish at any Fish Pond.

Fish must be at least 18kg to be considered large.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

The Deep End

Defeat opponents in the Crucible with Auto Rifles, Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles, Glaives, or Linear Fusion Rifles.

Additional progress is granted for landing final blows with Glaives, Linear Fusion Rifles, and Hand Cannons that use Special ammo.

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust

Absolutely Stunning

Stun Champions

Rewards: Challenger XP+++, Bright Dust

RELATED: Destiny 2 Ghost Of The Deep: All Memory Of Darkness Locations

Season Of The Deep: Week 7 Challenges

Destiny 2

Front Line Salvager VII

Complete Salvage or Deep Dive activities while wearing Season of the Deep armor.

Additionally, defeat bosses and minibosses anywhere in the system.

  • Seasonal activities 0/3
  • Bosses and Minibosses 0/10

Rewards: Challenge XP+

Salvaged Munitions

Defeat targets with Seasonal weapons. Defeated Guardians or combatants defeated in Salvage or Deep Dive activities grant additional progress.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

High-Value Hunter

Defeat powerful combatants in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating high-value targets.

Rewards: Challenger XP+++, Bright Dust

Salvage Legend

Complete Salvage on Legend difficulty.

Rewards: Challenger XP+

Fleeting Glory

Complete Crucible matches in the Competitive playlist. Earn bonus progress for wins.

Rewards: Challenger XP++, Bright Dust


Complete any Nightfall strike on Grandmaster.

Rewards: Challenger XP+++, Bright Dust

NEXT: Destiny 2 Season Of The Deep: New Strand Aspects Explained

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