Diablo 4: 30 Best Weapons For Rogue, Ranked


Diablo 4 has a whole host of amazing armor, amulets, rings, and weapons for players to find and use to make the best character they possibly can. There are countless items scattered across the game that players can use to create something that is unstoppable. There are some amazing Class builds for the game.

RELATED: Diablo 4: How Many Acts Are In The GameFor Rogues, the list of amazing weapons is a long one. This Class is able to use Swords, Daggers, Bows, and Crossbows to destroy their enemies. This long list of weapons means that Rogues have some amazing items to pick from in order to be the unstoppable forces they were designed to be. Many of the best weapons have Aspects attached to them, making them unstoppable. Depending on your build and Specialization, some of these weapons may be better than others.

Updated by Erin Rice on July 24, 2023: As Diablo 4 matures, players have found better weapons for the Rogue Class and have found better Aspects to go along with these weapons. This update added 5 new entries reflecting the new information. It also added some links to help readers find out more about certain aspects of the article.

30 Weapons With Smiting Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Smiting Aspect is a pretty decent Aspect for Rogues. This Aspect, unfortunately, does not have a Codex of Power for it. This means that you will have to find an item with the Aspect and extract it from it if you want this one.

The description reads “You have [10-20%] increased Critical Strike Chance against Injured enemies. While you are Healthy, you gain [20- 40%] increased Crowd Control Duration.” This is so great because Crowd Control is important for any Class. In addition, you will have a chance to deal more damage to injured enemies.

29 Weapons With Aspect Of Inner Calm

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Aspect of Inner Calm is one of the best Aspects for Rogues. This Aspect can be found in the Raethwind Wilds Dungeon in the Scosglen region. You can also find an item with this Aspect and extract it from it.

The Aspect’s description reads “Deal [5.0-10]%[x] increased damage for each second you stand still, up to 30%[x].” What makes this great is that if you’re in a situation where you can stand in a crowd of enemies, you can do a large amount of damage more to them than normal.

28 Weapons With Needleflare Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Needleflare Aspect is an Aspect utilized by Rogues. It can be found in the Yshari Sanctum Dungeon in the Kehjistan region of the map. In addition to this, you can find weapons with the Aspect on them and extract it that way.

The description reads “Thorns damage dealt has a [20-40%] chance to deal damage to all enemies around you.” As a Rogue, you will be dealing a decent amount of Thorns Damage throughout your playthrough. You have a good chance of dealing this same damage to enemies around you, making this a great Aspect.

27 Weapons With Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Toxic Alchemist’s Aspect is a great option for Rogues. It is an Offensive Aspect that can be added to any weapon that a Rogue uses. Unfortunately, you cannot find a Codex of Power for this Aspect; instead, you must find a weapon with it and extract it.

The Aspect’s description reads “Lucky Hit: Damaging a Poisoned enemy with a Shadow Imbued Skill has up to a 75% chance to create a toxic explosion that applies [X] Poisoning damage over 5 seconds to the target and surrounding enemies.” This is great since as a Rogue, many builds use poisons. Anytime you attack a poisoned enemy with a Show Imbued Skill, you have a chance to create a toxic explosion, doing more damage to a large portion of enemies.

26 Weapons With Vengeful Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Vengeful Aspect is another option for Rogues. This Aspect can be found in the dungeon entitled Inferno within the Kehjistan region of the game. It can also be found on other weapons and extracted that way.

Its description reads “Lucky Hit: Making an enemy Vulnerable has up to a [30-50%] chance to grant +3% increased Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds, up to +9%.” What makes this so invaluable to Rogues is that while playing one, you will be able to make tons of enemies Vulnerable. Doing this will give you a Critical Strike Chance of a higher percent. This means you have a better chance of dealing more damage.

25 Weapons With Opportunist’s Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is one of the many Offensive Aspects available to Rouges. It can be added to any weapon that the Rogue Class uses. You are able to find this in the Prison of Caldeum Dungeon in Kejistan and you can also extract the Aspect from other items.

The Aspect’s description reads “When you break Stealth with an attack, you drop a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades around your location that deal [X] total Physical damage and Stun

enemies for 0.50 seconds.” This is great since Stealth is the best thing for Rogues. You will use it all the time, and leaving Stealth will cause Stun Gerandes to drop, dealing more damage. You certainly want to consider adding this to your weapon.

24 Weapons With Repeating Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is one of the many Offensive Aspects available to Rouges. It can be added to any weapon that the Rogue Class uses. Unfortunately, there is no Codex of Power for this Aspect. However, you can extract the Aspect from other items.

The description reads “Rapid Fire has a [15-30]% chance to ricochet to another target.” Rapid Fire is a Skill used in several endgame Rogue builds. The Aspect gives the Skill the opportunity to hit even more targets. Adding this to a weapon will make your Rapid Fire unstoppable.

23 Weapons With Aspect Of Branching Volleys

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is one of the many Offensive Aspects available to Rouges. It can be added to any weapon that the Rogue Class uses. You are able to find this in the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon in Hawezar, and you can also extract the Aspect from other items.

Its description reads “Barrage’s arrows have [15-25]% chance to split into 2 arrows whenever they ricochet.” Anytime you use the Skill Barrage, there is a chance your arrow will split, causing even more damage to enemies. This is a great addition to any weapon.

22 Weapons With Infiltrator’s Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is one of the many Offensive Aspects available to Rouges. It can be added to any weapon that the Rogue Class uses. Unfortunately, there is no Codex of Power for this Aspect. You can only obtain it by extracting the Aspect from other items.

Its description reads “Poison Trap no longer breaks Stealth and triggers no Cooldown or arm time while you are in Stealth. All Poison Traps activate when you exit Stealth and Poison Trap’s Cooldown will be [5.0 – 8.0] seconds per trap placed.” Poison Trap is one of the many Skills that Rogues use often. Adding this to a weapon will ensure that yours is the best it can be.

21 Weapons With Aspect Of Arrow Storms

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is one of the many Offensive Aspects available to Rouges. It can be added to any weapon that the Rogue Class uses. You are able to find this in the Howling Warren Dungeon in Scosglen, and you can also extract the Aspect from other items.

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Its description reads “Lucky Hit: Your Marksman Skills have up to a 10% chance to create an arrow storm at the target’s present location, dealing [X]% Physical damage over 3 seconds. You can have up to 5 active arrow storms.” Rogues use Marksman Skills quite often while adventuring around the map. This Aspect will allow your weapon to create a chance of an arrow storm dealing more damage to enemies.

20 Weapon With Aspect Of Encircling Blades

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is one of the many Offensive Aspects available to Rouges. It can be added to any weapon that the Rogue Class uses. You are able to find this in the Fractured Peaks area in a dungeon called Forsaken Quarry, and you can also extract the Aspect from other items.

The Aspect’s description reads, “Flurry damages enemies in a circle around you and deals [8-15]%[x] increased damage.” What makes this so great is that Flurry is one of the most popular attacks that Rogues do. If you use this Skill, it will increase the damage it does.

19 Haunted Crossbow

Diablo 4 Haunted Crossbow

This is a rare item that only drops from a specific spawn. You can obtain it by killing Renn Dayne and Claudia in the Dismal Foothills of Hawezar. Once you kill Renn Dayne, Claudia will spawn. Unfortunately, these are rare spawns that only spawn on World Tier 3 and 4.

What makes this Crossbow so great is that it does a number of things to help players out. It will do additional Shadow Damage, and additional damage to vulnerable enemies, and it will increase the damage your Core Skills do.

18 Weapon With Aspect Of Quickening Fog

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Aspect of Quickening Fog is another great choice for a weapon’s Aspect when it comes to Rogues. It is perfect for those who use Penetrating Shot. This Aspect, unfortunately, cannot be found in any set location like the Aspects that have a Codex of Power. Instead, you must find this Aspect already attached to an item.

The Aspect’s description reads, “You automatically drop a Smoke Grenade at the end of Dash. Dash’s Cooldown is reduced by [0.25-0.35] seconds for each enemy this way, up to [0.75- 1.05] seconds.” Since Dash is used so often in endgame builds, this is the perfect Aspect. It will throw a Smoke Grenade anytime you use Dash. This will allow you to get away easier or give you time to rethink your strategy.

17 Weapon With Edgemaster’s Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Edgemaster’s Aspect is an Aspect that is one of the best that Rogues can use. This is an Offensive Aspect that can be applied to any weapon. This can be obtained by completing the Oldstones Dungeon in Scosglen. Additionally, you can extract it from items and imprint it on a weapon of your choice.

The Aspect’s description reads, “Skills deal up to [10- 20%] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.” The Rogue’s Primary Resource is Energy, and when this is full, your Skills will do more damage. This is great for dealing large amounts of damage at once.

16 Weapon With Aspect Of The Expectant

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Aspect of the Expectant is another great option for Rogues who want a solid weapon in the game. You can obtain this Aspect in the Underroot Dungeon in Scosglen. You can also find items with the Aspect and extract them.

The Aspect’s description reads, “Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by [5-10]% up to 30%.” You’re going to be using Basic Skills a lot. Anytime you use one, the next Core Skill you use will have an increase in damage. This is a great way to deal some nice damage.

15 Darkblade

Diablo 4 Darkblade

The Darkblade is what is known as a “Super Unique Item.” This means that the item only drops off enemies that are labeled as “Super Unique Monsters.” These enemies are the hardest tier of enemies in the game that aren’t bosses. They are at a higher level than the player, have a large amount of health, and are just so hard to kill. This specific one-handed sword will only drop off Sir Lynna in the Fractured Peaks region. This enemy will only spawn at night, so it can be difficult to find.

The item has the following modifiers: +2.0 – 4.5% Shadow Damage, +5.0 – 9.0% Crowd Control Duration Bonus, and +2.0 – 4.5% Damage over Time. The amount of these modifiers depends upon what level you are when you find the sword. This is a great weapon for Rogues because Crowd Control is so important, and this item will increase your Crowd Control duration. It will also do Shadow Damage, which is something that a lot of endgames Rogue builds rely on. This can be a great weapon for anyone wanting to perfect these builds.

14 Weapon With Aspect Of Corruption

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Aspect of Corruption is one of the many Aspects Rogues can use. Its effect can truly make a weapon stand out against other weapons at your disposal. It can be found in the Renegade’s Retreat dungeon in Kehjistan. You are also able to extract the Aspect from items that have it and imprint it on whatever weapon you want.

The Aspect’s description reads: “Your Imbuement Skill effects have [20-40]% increased potency against Vulnerable enemies.” Vulnerable enemies are already going to take more damage due to their Status Ailment. This Aspect will just help you enhance that damage by a lot. If you are fighting a major boss, this is the perfect Aspect to have on a weapon.

13 Weapon With Trickshot Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

The Trickshot Aspect is an amazing Aspect to add to any weapon. It can truly create a powerful weapon for Rogues who use the Skill Penetrating Shot. It can be found in the Bastion of Faith Dunegon in Hawezar​. You can also extract the Aspect from items that have it.

The Aspect’s description reads “Whenever Penetrating Shot damages an enemy. 2 additional arrows split off to either side. These side arrows deal [10-25%] of Penetrating Shot’s Base damage and do not split.” Since most Rogues use this Skill in their endgame builds, this is an amazing one to use. It will allow you to have extra arrows fly off of your Penetrating Shot. This allows you to hit more enemies than originally thought.​​​​​​

12 Weapon With Trickster’s Aspect

Diablo 4 Barbarian Aspects Offence

This Aspect is another top Aspect for Rogues. Adding it to a weapon just makes the weapon that much better. The Aspect is located within the Guulrahn Canals dungeon. This is found in the Dry Steppes area of the map. You can also find items with the Aspect and extract it from those.

The Aspect’s description reads: “Caltrops also throw a cluster of Stun Grenades that explode and deal [X] total Physical damage and Stunning enemies for 0.50 seconds.” Caltrops are a trap that a lot of Rogue builds will use in order to do maximum damage. Using this Skill will also cause Stun Grenades to deal Physical damage and Stun enemies. This is a perfect way to escape a situation or retreat for a moment.

11 Windforce

Diablo 4 Windforce

This is another unique item only available to Rogues. It is a unique bow that is an amazing addition to any Rogue’s arsenal. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it is a unique item for Rogues, you will not be able to obtain this item until you make it to World Tier 3.

The bow’s special effect reads, “Lucky Hit: Hits with this weapon have up to a (XX)% chance to deal double damage and Knock Back the target.” What makes this such a great addition to a Rogue’s weapons is that the bow has a chance to deal double the damage it originally would. Depending on when you found it, this percentage could be pretty high. It also has the chance to knock any enemy back. This means that they will stagger backward, giving you more time to plan ahead.

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