Blizzard Entertainment rolled out a new patch for Diablo 4 on Tuesday to prepare the game for its debut season of content, the Season of the Malignant, with a long list of bug fixes, balance changes, and new unique items and legendary aspects. The full patch 1.1 notes are worth perusing before you create a new character for season 1, especially if you’ve been relying on bugged builds to make your journey through Sanctuary easier.
Some of the bigger general changes coming in Diablo 4’s latest patch (version 1.1.0a on both console and PC) include that Altar of Lilith unlocks and map discovery are now account-wide. World Tier rewards and difficulties have also been adjusted; tier 2 will offer players more gold and more drops from enemies, while monster scaling in tiers 3 and 4 have been adjusted.
Players can also expect the following new unique items in the new patch:
Unique Items added in version 1.1.0a
Ahavarion Spear of Lycander (Uber Unique Staff – World Tier 4): Gain a random Shrine effect for 10-20 seconds after killing an Elite enemy. Can only occur once every 30 seconds. -
Azurewrath (Unique Sword): Lucky Hit – Your Core Skills have up to a 20% chance to Freeze enemies for 3 seconds and deal 0.75-1.5 Cold damage to them. -
Fleshrender (Unique One-Hand Mace): Debilitating Roar and Blood Howl deal 0.5-1.0 damage to Nearby Poisoned enemies. -
Lidless Wall (Unique Shield): Lucky Hit – While you have an active Bone Storm, hitting an enemy outside of a Bone Storm has up to a 5-25% chance to spawn an additional Bone Storm at their location. Each of your active Sacrifice bonuses increases the chance by 25% and the total number of additional Bone Storms you can have by +1. -
Eaglehorn (Unique Bow): Penetrating Shot has a 30-80% chance to fire an arrow that bounces off walls and scenery. Hitting enemies from behind with Penetrating Shot will make them Vulnerable for 3 seconds. -
The Oculus (Unique Wand): Gain the effect of the Teleport Enchantment for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment, you are taken to a random location.
New Legendary Aspects added in version 1.1.0a
Audacity (Utility Aspect): When there are at least 5 Close enemies, Stun them for 2-4 seconds. This can only occur once every 20 seconds.
Craven (Mobility Aspect): You gain 20-40% increased Movement Speed when moving away from Slowed or Chilled enemies. -
Ancestral Charge (Offensive Aspect): Charge calls forth 4 Ancients who also Charge, dealing 50-100% of normal damage. -
Subterranean (Offensive Aspect): Poison Creeper’s active also casts Landslide in a circle around you. Earth Skills deal 10-20% increased damage to Poisoned enemies. -
Gore Quills (Offensive Aspect): Blood Lance will consume Blood Orbs to also conjure lances from them. Each additional Blood Lance deals 20-50% of normal damage and prioritizes targeting un-lanced enemies. -
Pestilent Points (Offensive Aspect): Every third cast of Puncture is Poison Imbued with 100-150% of normal potency. -
Searing Wards (Offensive Aspect): After spending 200-100 Mana your next Firewall is free to cast and will destroy incoming Small Missiles.
One patch note of interest to Barbarians relying on the Aspect of Ancestral Echoes is that Blizzard has fixed a bug associated with the Hammer of the Ancients that dealt more damage than intended. “We recognize this adjustment is a significant decrease to the Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian build, but we do not want its strength to be reliant on an underlying bug,” Blizzard said.
Each class in Diablo 4 is getting touched in Tuesday’s patch, and Blizzard says it has “chosen to focus Season of the Malignant’s balance updates on clear itemization disparities over redesigns of Class features. The Class changes are largely focused on numeric increases to Skill Upgrades and Legendary Aspects that players haven’t yet found compelling.”
Here’s a rundown of what’s changing in each class, from Blizzard’s patch notes:
- Violent Double Swing Vulnerable duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
- Furious Upheaval damage bonus per stack increased from 3% to 5%.
- Power Charge Cooldown reduction is now capped to 3 targets, for a maximum of 9 seconds of Cooldown reduction.
- Tactical Ground Stomp Fury gain increased from 25 to 40.
- Enhanced Death Blow’s damage bonus to Bosses increased from 100% to 150%.
- Enhanced Steel Grasp Vulnerable duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds.
- Enhanced Rupture damage increased from 30% to 45%.
- Warrior’s Rupture Attack Speed bonus increased from 20% to 30%, and duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
- Fighter’s Rupture healing increased from 15% to 18% Maximum Life.
- Hamstring now only Slows Healthy enemies, and Slow amount increased from 10/20/30% to 20/40/60%.
- Cut to the Bone Bleeding damage bonus to Vulnerable reduced from 6/12/18% to 5/10/15%.
- Wrath Glyph’s bonus now affects all damage instead of just Core Skills.
- Relentless Berserker’s Aspect Berserking duration increased from 1 to 2 seconds.
- Battle-Mad Aspect Beserking duration increased from 1-2.5 to 2-3.5 seconds.
- Brawler’s Aspect damage increased from 1-1.3 to 1.5-1.8.
- Aspect of Burning Rage damage increased from .08-.14 to .22-.28.
- Aspect of the Iron Warrior Damage Reduction increased from 15-25% to 18-28%.
- Slaking Aspect Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30-50% to 40-60%.
- Aspect of Ancestral Echoes Lucky Hit Chance increased from 40-50% to 50-60%.
- Weapon Master’s Aspect Lucky Hit Chance increased from 32-50% to 37%-55%.
- Gohr’s Devastating Grips now explodes every 2 seconds or after it ends, and its hit cap has been removed.
- Fields of Crimson Bleeding damage bonus increased from 10% to 15%.
- Enhanced Claw Attack Speed bonus increased from 10% to 15%.
- Stormstrike Damage Reduction reduced from 25% to 15%.
- Boulder damage increase from 33% to 46%.
- Savage Trample Spirit gain increased from 20 to 40.
- Prime Lacerate healing increased from 3% to 5%.
- Cataclysm Lightning damage increased from 64% to 77%, and Tornado damage from 19% to 23%.
- Supreme Cataclysm Vulnerable duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
- Prime Cataclysm duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds.
- Prime Grizzly Rage now grants Unstoppable for 6 seconds instead of while active.
- Provocation threshold required for guaranteed Overpower reduced from 35/30/25 to 24/20/16 seconds.
Spirit Boon
- Masochistic now also requires a Lucky Hit chance of 75%.
- Prickleskin Thorns increased from .1 to .15.
- Iron Feather Maximum Life increased from 10% to 14%.
- Bolster Fortify increased from 10% to 15% of Maximum Life.
- Overload damage increased from .2 to .25.
- Spirit Glyph’s bonus now affects all damage instead of just Core Skills.
- Aspect of the Calm Breeze Lucky Hit chance increased from 5-10% to 7-12%.
- Balanced Aspect Maximum Spirit increased from 30-50 to 60-80.
- Aspect of the Tempest damage bonus increased from 7-15% to 10-18%.
- Skinwalker’s Aspect healing increased from .05-.1 to .07-.12.
- Symbiotic Aspect Cooldown reduction reduced from 4-8 to 3-5.
- Aspect of the Stampede damage bonus increased from 10-20 to 16-26%.
- Shepherd’s damage bonus increased from 6-8% to 6-10%.
- Insatiable Fury Werebear Skill Ranks increased from 2 to 3.
- Mad Wolf’s Glee Werewolf Skill Ranks increased from 2 to 3.
- Initiate’s Decompose Slow increased from 30% to 50%.
- Paranormal Sever casts required for Vulnerable reduced from 4 to 3.
- Enhanced Blood Surge Healing increased from 2.5% to 3% of Maximum Life.
- Enhanced Blood Lance damage reduction for piercing reduced from 15% to 10%.
- Bone Prison initial Essence gained increased from 15 to 25.
- Abhorrent Iron Maiden healing increased from 5% to 7% of Maximum Life.
- Golems move faster and unhindered through enemies when their Cooldown is activated.
- Supreme Blood Wave leaves behind Blood Orbs earlier in its path.
- Raise Skeleton, Corpse Explosion, and Corpse Tendrils range for auto-targeting Corpses on mouse and keyboard increased by 50%.
- Raise Skeleton Skeletal Priest bonus damage increased from 20% to 30%.
- Raise Skeleton Skeletal Priest healing increased from 10% to 15%.
- Evulsion bonus damage to Vulnerable reduced from 6/12/18% to 5/10/15%.
- Transfusion Minion healing increased from 15/30/45% to 20/40/60%.
- Drain Vitality Lucky Hit Chance increased from 25% to 30%.
- Amplify Damage increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.
Book of the Dead
- Necromancer’s minions will now automatically re-summon after respawning during a World Boss fight.
- Skeleton Warrior Defenders Upgrade Thorns inherited increased from 40% to 50%.
- Shadow Skeleton Mage Upgrade attacks required for an additional shadow bolt reduced from 5 to 4.
- Bone Skeleton Mage Upgrade Fortify amount increased from 11% to 20%.
- Iron Golems Upgrade attacks required for Slam attack reduced from 5 to 4.
- Essence Glyph’s bonus now affects all damage instead of just Core Skills.
- Splintering Aspect Bone Shard damage bonus reduced from 50-100% to 30-60%.
- Aspect of Plunging Darkness bonus damage increased from 50-100% to 75-125%.
- Coldbringer’s Aspect blizzard cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds.
- Aspect of Hungry Blood chance to fire a Blood Lance increased from 10-20% to 13-23%.
- Blood-soaked Aspect damage increased from .15-.2 to .24-.31.
- Aspect of Ultimate Shadow damage increased from .16-.22 to .43-.48.
- Aspect of Grasping Veins Critical Strike Damage bonus reduced from 30-60% to 20-40%.
- Osseous Gale Aspect bonus Bone Storm duration increased from 4-8 to 5-10 seconds.
- Aspect of the Damned damage bonus increased from 30-40% to 40-50%.
- Blood-bathed Aspect Echo damage reduction reduced from 70-60% to 60-50%.
- Aspect of Reanimation Skeletons damage bonus increased from 20-30% to 30-40%.
- Bloodless Scream Essence gained increased from 2-5 to 7-10.
- Deathless Visage damage increased from .25-.35 to .28-.38.
- Advanced Rapid Fire duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
- Caltrops cast speed increased by 15%.
- Enhanced Cold Imbue Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30% to 40%.
- Enhanced Smoke Grenade damage bonus increased from 15% to 20%.
- Methodical Dash maximum Cooldown reduction increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
- Concealment Stealth duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
- Enhanced Dark Shroud’s chance to not be consumed increased from 10% to 14%.
- Supreme Death Trap Cooldown reduction increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
- Victimize Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30% to 35%.
- Siphoning Strikes now also requires a Lucky Hit chance of 75%.
- Rugged Damage Reduction against Damage over Time effects increased from 5/10/15 to 6/12/18.
- Mending Obscurity healing per second while Stealthed increased from 3/6/9% to 4/8/12%.
- Aftermath Energy restored increased from 25/50/75 to 30/60/90.
- Combat Glyph’s bonus now affects all damage instead of just Core Skills.
- Eldritch Bounty Legendary Node duration increased from 6 to 9 seconds.
- Preparation’s Ultimate Cooldown reduction increased from 4 to 5 seconds.
Legendary Aspects
- Aspect of Volatile Shadows damage increased from .1075-.193 to .2-.27.
- Icy Alchemist’s Aspect Chill increased from 15% to 25%.
- Shadowslicer Aspect damage increased from 25-35% to 80-100%.
- Toxic Alchemist’s damage increased from 0.080-0.13 to .11-.16.
- Vengeful Aspect Lucky Hit Chance increased from 30-50% to 40-60%.
- Aspect of Imitated Imbuements duration increased from 5 to 9 seconds.
- Aspect of Stolen Vigor healing increased from .02-.06 to .04-.08.
- Aspect of Lethal Dusk Life of Kill duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
- Aspect of Noxious Ice bonus damage increased from 10-25% to 14-29%.
- Aspect of Elusive Menace Dodge chance increased from 1-5% to 3-7%.
- Skyhunter’s Energy gain increased from 15-25 to 20-30.
- Grasp of Shadow Lucky Hit Chance increased from 20-30% to 24-34%.
- Enhanced Charged Bolts damage increased from 24% to 30%, and now benefits from Skill Ranks.
- Destructive Charged Bolts Damage Reduction increased from 20% to 25%.
- Destructive Incinerate Damage Reduction increased from 20% to 25%.
- Ice Blades cast clean up has been tightened, allowing players to act after its cast sooner.
- Firebolt initial damage increased from 10% to 18%.
- Wizard’s Firewall maximum increased Mana Regeneration increased from 25% to 35%.
- Wizard’s Blizzard Core Skill Mana cost reduction increased from 10% to 20%.
- Supreme Deep Freeze Cooldown Reduction increased from 50% to 100%.
- Elemental Dominance now also affects Mastery Skills instead of just Core Skills.
- Potent Warding duration increased from 3 to 9 seconds.
- Protection Barrier duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
- Align the Elements Damage Reduction per second increased from 1/2/3 to 3/6/9.
- Mana Shield Damage Reduction increased from 5/10/15% to 7/14/21%.
- Devouring Blaze bonus Critical Strike damage reduced from 10/20/30% to 7/14/21%.
- Devouring Blaze bonus Critical Strike damage to Immobilized reduced from 25/50/75% to 10/20/30%.
- Fiery Surge Mana Regeneration increased from 10/20/30% to 15/30/45%.
- Destruction Glyph now affects all damage instead of just Core Skills.
- Spark Enchantment chance to form Crackling Energy increased from 10% to 14%.
- Frozen Orb Enchantment chance to be cast increased from 20% to 30%.
- Incinerate Enchantment cooldown reduced from 18 to 14 seconds.
- Hydra Enchantment Mana threshold reduced from 300 to 200.
Legendary Aspects
- Aspect of Efficiency Mana cost reduction increased from 10-20% to 15-25%, and now also affects Mastery Skills.
- Aspect of Armageddon damage increased from .205-.25 to .35-.4.
- Aspect of Shattered Stars damage increased from .15-.2 to .2-.25.
- Serpentine Aspect Hydra duration reduction reduced from 30-20% to 20-10%.
- Glacial Aspect Ice Spikes bonus damage to Frozen reduced from 25% to 15%.
- Glacial Aspect Ice Spikes damage increased from .2-.3 to .25-.35.
- Aspect of the Frozen Tundra Ice Spikes damage increased from .25-.35 to .3-.4.
- Aspect of the Frozen Wake Ice Spikes damage increased from .2-.3 to .25-.35, and Chill increased from 10% to 15%.
- Aspect of Biting Cold chance to apply Vulnerable to Frozen enemies increased from 25-35% to 30-40%.
- Encased Aspect Life and Mana restore per second increased from 10-20% to 20-30%.
- Stable Aspect chance for a free cast increased from 5-10% to 7-12%.
- Aspect of Splintering Energy chance to spawn an additional Lightning Spear increased from 11-20% to 41-50%.
- Aspect of the Unbroken Tether chance for additional Chain Lightning chains increased from 25-35% to 30-40%.
- Gloves of the Illuminator Fireball damage reduction reduced from 65-75% to 55%-65%.
- Esu’s Heirloom Critical Strike Chance from Movespeed increased from 15-25% to 20-30%.
- Esadora’s Overflowing Cameo chance to release a lightning nova increased from 10% to 15%.
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