Today is Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday, and as fans of the actor gather outside her house in Mumbai to wish him and catch a glimpse of him, SRK unveiled the teaser if his next film. Sharing the teaser of the Yash Raj Films production Pathaan, SRK wrote a small note. If that wasn’t enough, the actor’s fans have started trending the tags #HappyBirthdaySRK and #PathaanTeaser on social media as well. Away from the glare, Brahmastra director Ayan Mukerji who was recently in conversation with Bollywood Hungama, opened up on what it was like to direct the superstar in his film.
EXCLUSIVE: Brahmastra director Ayan Mukerji reveals what it is like to direct the Pathaan star Shah Rukh Khan
Responding to the query of what it is like to direct Shah Rukh Khan, Ayan added, “You know, we all have like certain actors, stars, and personalities in our life that we are very attached to. Shah Rukh Khan was like, my whole life like as a teenager I was. It was like Shah Rukh Khan from number one to number 100. When I became an assistant director, I chased films that Shah Rukh Khan was a part of. So, I’m a huge Shahrukh Khan fan and have been touched by his, like magnetism in a very deep way, you know? And it was a huge moment for me, when somehow, you know, the dots connected and when we went to him to say, will you do this special appearance? He agreed to say, Yes, I was super nervous directing him more than anybody else. Because like, almost like when you idolise someone too much, it can almost become hard to work with them. Because you feel like you’re how will I direct him, he’s a master. But he is a very, very, very, very kind and generous and extremely intelligent human beings. So I think he could understand my personality in two minutes, and still found a way to sort of work around it.”
Back on the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will be seen in Pathaan followed by the Atlee directorial Jawaan.
Also Read: Director Ayan Mukerji explains his vision behind Brahmāstra: Part One–Shiva; says, “It is rooted in our Ancient Indian history and culture”
More Pages: Pathaan Box Office Collection , Pathaan Movie Review
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