Bhavana Pandey, Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari Soni and Seema Kiran Sajdeh are back with the second season of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives. The new season dropped today on Netflix. Ahead of the premiere, Maheep Kapoor opened up about why she spoke of Sanjay Kapoor’s cheating in the series.

Fabulous Lives On Bollywood Wives: Maheep Kapoor makes shocking revelation about Sanjay Kapoor cheating on her during their 25 years of marriage : Bollywood News – Bollywood Hungama

Fabulous Lives On Bollywood Wives: Maheep Kapoor makes shocking revelation about Sanjay Kapoor cheating on her during their 25 years of marriage

In one of the episodes, Maheep makes a shocking revelation that Sanjay Kapoor cheated on her during their marriage of 25 years. When asked whether it was a difficult story to share on screen, Maheep said they pushed the envelope this season. “There’s nothing that’s been difficult. It just happened. We were in the moment,” she told India Today in an interview. “We’ve pushed the envelope (referring to showing their real side on the show). I am hoping that women will understand that everything is not hunky dory. Everyone has their ups and their downs in life. And, we go through it, we chug along and that’s what it is. It’s not scratched under the surface, you will see that we all have our issues. It was important (to speak about it).”

When asked whether Sanjay Kapoor is aware of the fact that this has been shared on screen, Maheep said, “No, I have not discussed it. They will find out via the show.”

Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives is currently streaming on Netflix.

ALSO READ: Karan Johar quips, “I want to be a DILF” on Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives 2’s launch brunch


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