Actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana welcomed a baby girl on June 20 and the new parents are over the moon. However, after the arrival of the baby, a photo of an infant went viral, claiming to be Ram and Upasana’s child. It was tagged as the ‘Mega princess’ and fans were quite overjoyed with the photo. But guys, calm down because it is fake. Yes, you read that right. The leaked viral photo is fake as it was confirmed by Ram’s manager.
Ram Charan’s manager shares a tweet
The RRR actor’s manager Siva Cheery refuted the rumours in his latest tweet. It read, “Pics circulating in social media are not the pics of #MegaPrincess“. On June 20, Chiranjeevi took to Twitter and announced the good news in their family. He wrote, “Welcome Little Mega Princess !! You have spread cheer among the Mega Family of millions on your arrival as much as you have made the blessed parents. @AlwaysRamCharan & @upasanakonidela and us grandparents, Happy and Proud!!“
After the arrival of Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela’s baby girl, his father Chiranjeevi was seen talking to the media, saying that the baby’s horoscope is amazing. The marketing consultant’s tweet read, “The baby was born at 1:49 am. Happy to have our Grand daughter on our favorite Tuesday. It is said that she was born in good hours and the baby’s horoscope is also amazing. That effect can be seen in our family from the beginning. Charan’s career growth, Varun’s engagement, everything is going well in our family.”
Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela had their first child after 11 years of marriage.
Also read: Allu Arjun visits Ram Charan-Upasana & their baby girl in hospital, Jr NTR, Kiara Advani, and Samantha congratulate new parents
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