Gauri Khan returned to the Koffee couch after 17 years on Thursday. The interior designer, who is also the wife of actor Shah Rukh Khan was one of the three guests on the 12th episode of the seventh season of the hit chat show, hosted by Karan Johar. She was joined by her friends Maheep Kapoor and Bhavana Panday. (Also read: Maheep Kapoor on Koffee With Karan: ‘Sanjay Kapoor was sitting at home for years with no work, money was tight’)
During the episode, before Maheep and Bhavana could join Gauri on the couch, Karan asked Gauri about life as an entrepreneur, as Shah Rukh Khan’s wife and also the recent arrest and subsequent bail of their son Aryan Khan in last year’s drugs-on-cruise case. Aryan Khan was arrested by the Mumbai Police under suspicion of carrying drugs aboard a cruise ship in Mumbai. He spent a few weeks in jail and was finally released on bail amid lack of evidence against him.
Karan asked Gauri about the time and how Shah Rukh and the family dealt with it. He asked “…specially since it’s been such a tough time for him not just professionally but recently with everything the family went through personally. You all have emerged so strongly. As a family. I know it hasn’t been easy. I know you as a mother and him as a father, and all of us like we’re members of the same family. I feel like I’m your children’s godparent as well. It hasn’t been easy but Gauri I’ve seen you come out even stronger. What do you have to say about your own way of handling tough times, when families go through something like that.”
Gauri replied, “Yes, as a family, we’ve been through… I think nothing can be worse than what we’ve just been through, obviously, as a mother, as a parent. But today where we stand as a family, I can say that we are in a great space where we feel loved by everyone. And all our friends, and so many people who we did not know. So many messages and so much of love and I just feel blessed. And I would say I’m grateful to all the people who have helped us through this.”
Aryan is the eldest of Shah Rukh and Gauri’s kids. They also have a daughter Suhana Khan and a son named AbRam Khan. Aryan wishes to be a filmmaker and Suhana will make her acting debut with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies.
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