Mumbai: Starring Tahir Raj Bhasin, Amala Paul and Amrita Puri in the lead, Ranjish Hi Sahi is streaming on Voot Select. The show not only depicts the early struggles of filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt in the industry but also presents his love life with Parveen Babi. However, in an exclusive conversation with, writer and director Pushpdeep Bhardwaj revealed what was Mahesh Bhatt’s review of the show. He mentioned that Mahesh Bhatt was ‘very happy’ with it and loved the detailing in the series.Also Read – Vikram Bhatt SECRETLY Marries Art Pundit Shwetambari Soni, Shares First Loved-Up Post
“He was very happy about it how I have executed the whole detailing of everything. He really loved the show the way I have put in my colours and executed it. He is like a life coach and he gave me complete freedom to make the film. He is very clear that the director is the captain of the ship. He really loved the show and never doubted my capabilities,” Pushpdeep Bhardwaj said. Also Read – Alia Bhatt- Ranbir Kapoor Celebrate Mahesh Bhatt’s 73rd Birthday; Soni Razdan, Shaheen Join Virtually- See Photos
The writer-director also revealed that recreating Mahesh Bhatt and Praveen Babi’s love story on-screen was challenging. “The exciting part was 70s world and recreation of Golden era. It was challenging to set the world in that generation but wanted to tell audiences the love stories and emotions of that era which is very different from today’s times. Hence I felt the urge to tell the story keeping it in 70s era and write it in that manner,” he added. Also Read – Vikram Bhatt Speaks on Mukesh Bhatt-Mahesh Bhatt Split: Boss Isn’t Motivated by Money, Fame
During the conversation, Pushpdeep Bhardwaj also mentioned that Ranjish Hi Sahi is not Mahesh Bhatt’s biopic but is only inspired by some of his life events. On being asked, if Mahesh Bhatt also asked him not to reveal certain instances, Pushpdeep Bhardwaj replied negative. “Basically it’s inspired from some events of his life which are fictionalized. But he never held me back for anything. I said I’ll write something and then he told me that he has some 5 pages of anecdotes of his life to share. All this happened so randomly,” he said.
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