Actors and sisters Kajol and Tanishaa Mukerji took their mother, veteran actor Tanuja to see her Lonavla home after eight months. Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Tanishaa posted a brief clip as they showed Tanuja the revamped house. (Also Read | Tanishaa Mukerji gives a hug to Kajol, asks paps to watch Salaam Venky)
The video started with a few people standing near the gate of the house waiting for the trio. A red ribbon hung near the gate. Kajol, Tanishaa Mukerji, and Tanuja arrived in a car along with their puppy. They cut the ribbon laughing and raised their hands in celebration. They then took a walk in the front yard.
Before entering the house, Tanuja took off her slippers, and Kajol and Tanishaa followed her. The veteran actor also bowed and touched the floor, in a gesture of paying respect. The two sisters also did the same.
As they looked around, Kajol hugged Tanishaa from the back. They also smiled and posed for pictures. For the travel, Tanuja wore black, white and red ethnic wear. Kajol opted for a green top and grey pants while Tanishaa was dressed in a red suit. All of them wore dark sunglasses.
Sharing the video, Tanishaa captioned the post, “And so we finished mom’s house in Lonavala and showed it to her after 8 months of keeping her awayyyyy! @kajol (red heart emoji).” A fan wrote, “May this abode continue to bring amazing memories and lots and lots of good fortune.” “A mother who has got 2 angels can’t even imagine of more so nice kajuu and tanuu god bless.. you both are so blessed to have such a gr8 mom,” read a comment.
Tanishaa often shares posts on Instagram featuring her family members. Ahead of Kajol’s last film Salaam Venky’s premiere, she shared a post with Tanuja. “#salaamvenky premier tonight! Sooo excited for it! So proud of my amazing sister for her fabulous performance and her courage for making a film that has such a strong message! Love u baby @kajol,” said Tanishaa.
Fans saw Kajol last in Salaam Venky alongside Vishal Jethwa, Rahul Bose, Rajeev Khandelwal, Prakash Raj, and Ahana Kumra in pivotal roles. Aamir Khan also had a cameo appearance in the film. Salaam Venky is directed by Revathy and released in cinemas on December 9. Kajol will also be seen in an upcoming web series The Good Wife, an Indian adaptation of the American courtroom drama of the same name.
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