Kangana Ranaut took a dig at filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt as she shared an old video of the filmmaker. The actor alleged that his ‘real name’ was not Mahesh, but ‘Aslam’. Kangana also asked why the filmmaker was hiding his ‘beautiful name’. She further said that Mahesh should use his real name and not represent a ‘certain religion’ when he had ‘converted’. Read more: Kangana Ranaut calls Alia Bhatt ‘papa ki pari’
On Sunday, Kangana took to Instagram Stories to share an alleged video of Mahesh Bhatt in a series of clips. Along with the clips, the actor – who made her Bollywood debut in the 2006 film Gangster, which was backed by Mahesh Bhatt – also made some statements about Mahesh and his ‘real name’ and religion. Along with one of the clips from Mahesh’s old speech, Kangana Ranaut wrote, “Mahesh ji casually and poetically inciting people for violence.”
Sharing another clip from the same video, she wrote, “I am told his (Mahesh Bhatt) real name is Aslam… he converted to marry his second wife (Soni Razdan)… it is a beautiful name, why hide it?” Another clip shared by Kangana was also accompanied by a statement on Mahesh’s name, which read, “He must use his real name, not represent a certain religion, when he has converted…”
In 2020, Kangana had accused Mahesh of nearly assaulting her, when she turned down Dhokha, directed by his daughter, filmmaker-actor Pooja Bhatt. Earlier this year, Kangana had also taken an indirect dig at Mahesh Bhatt and his daughter, actor Alia Bhatt, ahead of the release of Alia’s film Gangubai Kathiawadi. Kangana had shared a note on her Instagram Stories, saying that the film’s biggest mistake is ‘wrong casting’; she indirectly called Alia ‘daddy’s angel’ and Mahesh ‘movie mafia’.
Kangana had written on her Instagram Stories in February 2022, “This Friday ₹200 crore will be burnt to ashes at the box office… for a papa (movie mafia daddy) ki pari (who likes to keep a British passport) because papa wants to prove that romcom bimbo can act… biggest drawback of the film is wrong casting… yeh nahi sudhrenge (these people won’t change)…”
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