Ananya Panday and Vijay Devarakonda left no stones unturned in promoting their latest release, Liger. The movie created a buzz when Karan Johar first announced the project last year with the Arjun Reddy star, which also marks his Bollywood debut. Meanwhile, many had high hopes with the film, but the reviews are not in their favour. On top of that, Panday is now getting brutally trolled by netizens for her bad expressions and cringe-acting skills in the film. Scroll below to read the whole scoop.
Puri Jagannadh who is known for films like Businessman, Pokiri, Temper, iSmart Shankar and others has directed the movie. Other than the lead stars, the movie also stars, Ramya Krishna, Ronit Roy, Vishu Reddy and Makarand Deshpande. On the other hand, boxing legend Mike Tyson also has an extended cameo in the film.
Coming back to the topic, people were quite excited when the first trailer of Liger was released and there were expectations that the movie might collect over 100 Crore in no time. However, the reactions to the movie are very much mixed and recently an emotional scene between Ananya Panday and Vijay Deverakonda is going viral. Although people are appreciating Vijay, but Ananya is getting trolled and facing major backlash for her acting skills.
Soon after the clip from Liger went viral, talking about Ananya Panday, a Twitter user wrote, “Wahh kya acting hai Struggle Queen #AnanyaPandey ki, Koi Oscar do inhe,” another wrote, “It feels like she was sleepy when he proposed her. Seems like scene wanted her to be emotional but our Meryl Streep killed this scene,” a third wrote, “Is she sad? Angry? Confused? In love? Emotional? Constipated? I mean what the f**k was that expression for?”
A fourth user wrote, “Bollywood with such lower than mediocrity has been there for almost 1.5 decades. Ppl were fools watching crap…could be because they were just better than worse. Just that it has changed now and ppl expect better scrips acting…not some childish crap!”
Wahh kya acting hai Struggle Queen #AnanyaPandey ki ????
Koi Oscar do inhe ????????#LIGER #Ligerflop #BoycottBollywood #VijayDevarakonda #AnanyaPanday #Acting— Shubham Jha ???????? (@shubh_1822) August 25, 2022
Expression queen Ananya Pandey
— M (@_ahania) August 25, 2022
No difference same to same
— Sudarshan (@touchgrasssssss) August 25, 2022
It feels like she was sleepy when he proposed her????????
Seems like scene wanted her to be emotional but our Meryl Streep killed this scene????????#AnanyaPanday #ligerreview #Liger #Flop— Rohitspeaks (@Rohitspeaks32) August 25, 2022
Wah kya Acting kar rahi hai ????????
— Praveen (@PraveenIN12345) August 25, 2022
Is she sad? Angry? Confused? In love? Emotional? Constipated?
I mean what the f**k was that expression for?— Professor???? (@groot_groot_1) August 25, 2022
Bollywood with such lower than mediocrity has been there for almost 1.5 decades. Ppl were fools watching crap…could be because they were just better than worse. Just that it has changed now and ppl expect better scrips acting…not some childish crap!
— Vishwanath Nagaraja (@Vishwa0507) August 26, 2022
Let us know in the comments below, what you think about Liger and did you like the performance of the lead actors Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday.
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