7 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Lips by Shahnaz Husain

  1. The skin of the lips is thin and delicate. It does not contain oil glands. That is why it becomes dry and chaps easily, especially in dry weather. The lips can also become dark and discoloured. There are many reasons why the lips can become dark, like sun-exposure. Some lipsticks can also react on sun-exposure, due to what is called photosensitivity. For example, certain perfumes, like bergamot, used in lipsticks, can react on sun exposure and darken lip colour.
  2. Nutritional deficiencies can also lead to dry, chapped lips. Vitamins A, C and B2 are important for the lips. Ripe papaya, tomatoes, carrots, green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole-grains, oats, and milk products may be included in the diet. Take your doctor’s advice before making changes in your diet.
  3. For dark lips, use a scrub. Mix sugar with a few drops each of olive oil and lemon juice. Rub this mixture gently on the skin and wash off. Or, after washing the face, rub the lips gently with a soft towel to remove dead skin. Then add a few drops of lemon juice to cream of milk (malai) and apply daily. Leave on for an hour. At night, apply pure almond oil on the lips and leave on overnight.
  4. You can also apply aloe vera gel on the lips daily and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
  5. Oils like Argan Oil, Coconut oil, or Jojoba Oil can also be applied to nourish the skin on the lips. Some of these are rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants, which benefit the delicate skin of the lips.
  6. You can also apply a lip balm containing sunscreen, or apply a few drops of sunscreen lotion on the lips. Wait for a few minutes and apply foundation on the lips and then apply lipstick. This will help to provide sun-protection and prevent dark lips. Last, but not least, look for herbal lipsticks and lip gloss.
  7. For general lip care, you should remove lipstick with a cleansing gel or cream. Never compromise on quality while buying lipsticks or any other make-up item. Another thing to remember is that make-up items also have a shelf-life. One should not keep or use lipsticks which have become old. If you ever find that a lipstick has become too greasy, or is smelling rancid, it can mean that the oils have separated. It is best to stop using them.

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