Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh had jetted off for a short getaway to celebrate the actor’s birthday on January 5. On Sunday, the couple arrived back from their vacation to Mumbai after ringing in Deepika’s 37th birthday. The paparazzi clicked them outside the airport arrival gates and shared the snippets on social media. The pictures and videos show Deepika and Ranveer twinning in white. While Ranveer chose a plain white tee and denim shorts, Deepika donned a flowy midi dress for the airport look. If you loved her ensemble, keep scrolling to find out where you can get the exact look for your wardrobe. (Also Read | Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh in stylish airport fits prove why they will always be Bollywood’s fashion king and queen)
What is the price of Deepika Padukone’s dress?
Deepika Padukone chose a white midi dress for her airport look, which is from the shelves of the clothing label Joslin Studio. The ensemble is called the Marlo Organic Cotton Midi Smock Dress in White. It is available on the label’s website, and adding it to your collection will cost you ₹21,100.
Regarding the design elements, Deepika’s midi-length trapeze-style dress comes in a white shade. The cotton slip-on ensemble features a V neckline with button-loop detailing, faux button closure on the centre front, Cluny and pleat design, gathering at the yoke seam, kimono-styled full-length sleeves, elasticised cuffs, and spaghetti-tie at the waist for a belted option.
Deepika styled the ensemble with minimal accessories, including black strappy peep-toe sandals, stacked bracelets, black tinted sunglasses, and statement rings. In the end, Deepika chose a sleeked-back low bun, no-makeup look, glowing skin, and glossy nude lip shade for the glam picks.
Ranveer complemented his wife in a simple white tee and distressed denim shorts, accessorised with a baseball cap, chunky black lace-up sneakers, black tinted sunglasses, and diamond ear studs. Back-swept hairdo and a rugged beard completed his airport look.
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