Mom-to-be Gauahar Khan took to Instagram and shared pictures with dancer-husband Zair Darbar on Friday. The actor can be seen making the most out of her date nights with husband Zaid. She was all smiles while posing with Zaid. She called her date nights ‘special.’ The couple chose black for most of their night outings. Her pregnancy glow was clearly visible on her face. In December, 2022 the couple shared that they are expecting their first baby and asked for love and prayers from their fans. Many fans reacted to Gauahar’s date post with Zaid. (Also read: Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar announce pregnancy, friends and fans send congratulations. Watch)
Taking to Instagram Reels, Gauahar shared a video comprising her pictures with Zaid. In one of the pictures, She wore a black dress with checked oversized shirt. She wore white flats and carried a green sling back with herself. She kept her hair open. Her husband twinned with her in black, and wore full sleeve T-shirt with black pants. He chose white sneakers. Both of them stood at their house’s entrance gate. The two smiled while posing for the camera. In another picture, Gauahar shared a selfie, she took inside a car with Zaid.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Gauahar wrote, “Date nights are special (red heart emoji).” She used ‘Just you and me’, ‘reels video’ and ‘trending songs’ and ‘husband and wife’ as the hashtags. She also wrote, “Mashaalla.”
Reacting to the post, one of her fans wrote, “Wow, looking nice together (clapping emoji).” Another fan commented, “Good vibes only (evil eye amulet emojis). Stay blessed!” Other fan wrote, “Mashallah this blush is awesome.” “These days are very precious Gauahar. Feel every moment and enjoy it. First pregnancy is always special. You will be pampered like a child”, added another. “Bless you guys, cutest couple”, wrote one. Many fans posted heart emojis on her pictures with Zaid.
On December 20, 2022, Gauahar and husband Zaid Darbar announced the pregnancy with an animated reel on social media. Along with it, they wrote, “One became two when Z met G. And now the adventure continues as we soon become three. In Sha allah seeking all your prayers and blessings in this beautiful journey.”
Gauahar got married to Zaid in a lavish wedding ceremony in December 2020. Zaid is the son of veteran music composer Ismail Darbar. Gauahar rose to fame after she won Bigg Boss season 7 in 2013. She made her film debut with the Ranbir Singh-starrer Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year in 2009. She has also appeared in web series, like Bestseller, Salt City and Shiksha Mandal.
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