Natak Pictures explores the emotional conflicts faced by today’s generation with the release of its web show, Unsorted. The leading film studio premiered the web show on Disney+Hotstar on Friday and is receiving much applause for the realistic portrayal of human emotions. The plot of the show involves Tara (fashion designer) and her long-time boyfriend Naman (an IT professional), who has decided to shift his base for a new job. Matters get worse when Tara finds that Naman is getting closer to his beautiful colleague, Seher. The show conveys how our desire for ‘perfection’ is indeed the cause of human troubles.
Written and directed by Rahul Bhatnagar, founder of Natak Pictures, Unsorted is a story of two ‘not-so-perfect’ lovers who are trying to fill in the gaps for each other. Rahul says, “The so-called celebrated love stories witnessed on the silver screen have influenced us to believe that romantic relationships in real life too are meant to be ‘all fair and gaudy’. This is exactly the notion we wanted to break with this web show.”
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