Nawazuddin Siddiqui who play the arch villain in Ahmed Khan’s Heropanti 2 says he has paid one of his favourite actors a special tribute. Brimming over with enthusiasm Nawaz reveals, “Vinod Khanna has always been one of my favourite actors. He was so handsome. I remember very early in my career I had shot with for a serial—I can’t remember the name—and I just couldn’t stop staring at him. Ek star ka aura hota hai na? Vinod Khanna had the aura. Jamm ke (in abundance).

So how has Nawaz paid Vinod Khanna a tribute? “He had a certain way of walking which no other actor had. There was something masculine and delicate, almost a feminine grace in the way he walked. I’ve borrowed his walk in Heropanti 2. I hope Vinod Khannaji’s fans would like what I’ve done.”

Nawaz says it is important to keep learning from great actors. “I am always observing actors whom I respect. Kuch na kuch unse humesha leta rehta hoon (I take something or the other from them all the time).”

Also Read: “For me winning or losing is not important; recognition is”, says Nawazuddin Siddiqui on why the Emmy nomination feels right

More Pages: Heropanti 2 Box Office Collection


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