Palak Purswani became the first contestant to get evicted from the Bigg Boss OTT 2 house last week. The actress had to come face to face with her ex-fiancé Avinash Sachdev on the show and post her eviction when Bollywood Bubble host Akash Bhatnagar cornered her for a chat, she vented out about her traumatic history with Avinash. Palak recalled being cheated on by Avinash twice in their relationship, the ordeal she had to go through both the times and the depressive phase she had in between the two incidents. She also revealed that Avinash used to come under her house to beg her to come back while analysing the pattern he has had with girls in his life. Palak even remembered asking Avinash’s parents to intervene and how he used being ‘out of love’ as a reason as he did on the show. She called him a liar and even shared that he also lied about the reason of his break up with Rubina Dilaik. Palak insisted that while she has moved on from him, she still doesn’t feel she can fall in love with another man. You can watch the entire unfiltered conversation here.
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