Actor Payal Rohatgi is all set for her wedding with wrestler Sangram Singh on Saturday. Ahead of the big day, she took to Instagram to share photos of the couple all decked up for a pre-wedding function. In the photos, Payal wore a maroon lehenga and her hair styled in knots and braids. Sangram wore a cream and white outfit. (Also read: Bride-to-be Payal Rohatgi shows off her mehendi)
The photos show Payal and Sangram posing together in what seems like a garden. The couple is currently in Agra and will also marry in the city. In another batch of photos shared by a paparazzo account, they were seen at an ancient temple, seeking God’s blessings for their wedded life. Payal and Sangram were joined by their parents as they took part in a ceremony at the temple.
Payal and Sangram have been dating for about 12 years and have finally decided to marry. Recently, Payal was seen on the first season of reality show Lock Upp, where she often spoke about how Sangram would just not finalise their wedding date despite being engaged since years. She cried about how people tell him wrong things about her and how the fact that she can’t have children might also be the reason behind it. Sangram, however, said that he doesn’t care about her not being able to get pregnant and that they can always adopt kids if they felt ready for them. While she was still in the show, Sangram spoke to the media about his wedding plans and finalised their July wedding date.
Payal ended up as one of the finalists on Lock Upp, but lost the trophy to Munawar Faruqui. She even accused the show and host Kangana Ranaut of being biased towards Munawar. However, she recently said that she might invite Kangana to her wedding. She told News18, “I will obviously make sure that I send the invite to her sister Rangoli and if she is in Delhi, would love to see her at the reception. She is kind and I am kind. It’s a good occasion and we should let bygones be bygones.”
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