Actor Alia Bhatt and her husband, Ranbir Kapoor, delighted their fans in June when they announced that Alia was pregnant with their first child. The couple tied the knot in a low-key ceremony held at their home in Mumbai in April, attended by close friends and family. After announcing the good news, Ranbir and Alia have been busy with the promotions of their upcoming film Brahmastra. And the new mom-to-be’s style file is all about setting uber-cool maternity fashion trends. Even her latest look falls in the category as Alia hid her baby bump in a funky printed oversized top and cycling shorts while doing a Brahmastra event with Ranbir Kapoor.
On Thursday, celebrity stylist Anaita Shroff Adjania took to her Instagram page to drop pictures of Alia from a new photoshoot. It showed the actor in a funky top with cycling shorts as she promoted Brahmastra with Ranbir Kapoor. “Let’s do this dance ka bhoot,” Anaita captioned the post. The T-shirt she wore for the photoshoot is from the shelves of the clothing label Huemn. Check out Alia’s pictures below. (Also Read: Alia Bhatt’s mini dress for showing baby bump for the first time costs ₹6k)
The oversized T-shirt has a quirky slogan and print in various hues, including turquoise blue, yellow, white, black, red and more colours. The actor hid her baby bump with the funky top featuring a round neckline, long hem length, half-length sleeves, drop shoulders, and an overall baggy fitting. A pair of bright yellow cycling shorts completed Alia’s promotional look.
Alia styled the promotional outfit with trendy high heels in a pastel blue shade. They also became the highlight of her uber-cool look and should definitely be a part of your mood board. Lastly, Alia went for statement gold rings and hoop earrings for the accessories.
(Also Read: Pregnant Alia Bhatt in kaftan shows moms-to-be how to mix elegance and comfort)
In the end, Alia chose side-parted open tresses with soft waves, nude pink lip shade, subtle eye shadow, glowing skin, blushed cheeks, mascara on the lashes, on-fleek brows, and beaming highlighter for the glam picks.
Meanwhile, Brahmastra is a sci-fi mythological drama, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, and Mouni Roy. The film is scheduled for a theatrical release on September 9.
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