Actor Priyanka Chopra attended the grand premiere of her upcoming Amazon series Citadel in Rome. Priyanka arrived at the event, which saw Richard Madden and Stanley Tucci in attendance, with her husband, Nick Jonas. The paparazzi clicked Priyanka at the occasion dressed in a ravishing Valentino plunge neck gown and a feathered cape jacket. The pictures and videos show Priyanka posing with Nick Jonas and Richard Madden, showing off her beauteous look, and greeting the media with a Namaste. Nick also turned photographer for his wife and looked enamoured with her.
Priyanka Chopra makes Nick Jonas go ‘Damn’ with her Citadel premiere look
Nick Jonas shared a video from the Citadel premiere on TikTok that showed him recording Priyanka posing for the paparazzi on the blue carpet as a voiceover saying ‘Damn’ plays in the background. Fan pages also shared Priyanka’s glamorous look from the Citadel premiere on Instagram. They loved her ensemble and showered her with compliments. One wrote, “Very Sophia Loren vibes.” Another commented, “She is so DAMN hot.” A fan remarked, “Priyanka is like a Goddess. So beautiful.” See the videos and pictures below.
Priyanka Chopra’s Rome premiere look by Valentino features a figure-skimming gown in a parrot green shade. It comes with a plunging neckline highlighting her décolletage, a cinched waistline, a flowy skirt, spaghetti straps, and a floor-grazing hem length.
Priyanka styled the gown with a matching green cape-style jacket adorned in 90s-inspired feather adornments on the borders and featuring full sleeves, a floor-sweeping train on the back and an open front.
Priyanka accessorised the Valentino look with high heels and emerald and diamond jewellery, including earrings, rings and a necklace. In the end, Priyanka chose a pouffy 90s updo, bold double-winged eyeliner, plum lip shade, subtle eye shadow, rouged cheekbones, dewy base, feathered brows, and light contouring for the glam picks.
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