Rakhi Sawant was spotted by paparazzi in Mumbai with two of her friends on Friday night. She shared that she got immense support from Sherlyn Chopra amid ongoing fight with husband Adil Khan Durrani. Rakhi said that even Sherlyn felt ‘bad’ with whatever is happening with me nowadays, and gave me ‘himmat’ in my tough times. The video surfaced online on Friday and many people reacted to it. (Also read: Sherlyn Chopra slams Rakhi Sawant, supports her husband Adil: ‘Don’t know how he landed in this mess but…’)
In the paparazzo video, Rakhi was seen saying, “Thanks to Sherlyn Chopra, ‘me and Rashree met her yesterday, Sherlyn motivated me, she also felt really bad for me. In such a difficult situation, she gave me a lot of support.” She told what Sherlyn said to her, “Kaha hai woh humaari rakhi Pardesiya waali (Where is the Rakhi who danced to Pardesiya)?”
She continued and said, “Mai hamesha kehti thi (I used to say always) I love Adil, No no, I love myself, I love myself, mujhe jeena hai, kaam karna hai aur acha kaam karna hai (I want to live, I want to work and continue doing good work).”
Reacting to the clip, one person commented, “Kahani ka naya mod..Dushman bani dost (There is a twist in the story, the enemy becomes friend).” Another person wrote, “New story and cast for Ekta Kapoor’s serial).” Other person commented, “Is there anyone here who still doesn’t understand that this is pure drama? If so…good luck in your life. You will need it, the whole debacle with sherlyn was a drama too. So bloody tired of this crap.” “Story mai wild card character entry (There is an entry of while character in the story now).”
On Friday, Sherlyn shared her views on the ongoing fight between Rakhi Sawant and her husband Adil Khan Durrani and said, “I am no one to say anything about Rakhi and Adil’s matter, but from what I have learnt about Adil after spending time with him at a police station, he seems like a sorted person, but don’t know how he landed in this whole mess.”
In early January, 2023, Rakhi confirmed her wedding with boyfriend Adil Khan. She said her secret wedding took place on 2 July, last year. She shared pictures with him Instagram account and wrote, “Finally, I’m happy so excited and got married my love is 4 Ever unconditional love for you Adil.” Now the two are involved in an ugly fight where Rakhi had put allegations on him for having an extra marital affairs with some other woman. She also accused him of beating her up the day their mother died.
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