Rani Mukerji wore a pink saree for a recent event in Mumbai. The actor had made a spectacular entry at the red carpet premiere of Uunchai hosted by Anupam Kher and Rajshri productions recently. Rani had joined Neena Gupta, Kangana Ranaut, Bhagyashree, Kajol and many other celebs at the star-studded event. Now, a close-up video of Rani’s makeup and hair from the event is wowing her fans. Also read: Rani Mukerji, Madhuri Dixit, Kajol, Akshay Kumar, Shehnaaz Gill join Uunchai cast at screening
On Saturday, makeup artist Namrata Soni, who has worked with celebs like Sonam Kapoor, took to Instagram Reels to share a clip of Rani’s recent look. She wrote in the caption, “All things pink and pretty… with the loveliest Rani Mukerji in House of Masaba.” Appreciating Rani’s all-glam look, and praising her makeup, fans left comments like, “So beautiful and glamorous,” and “What mind-blowing make up.” Another one wrote, “Rani in pink is gold.” Others called her ‘queen’ and ‘beauty’.
Earlier, the makeup artist had also shared a photo of Rani Mukerji’s look from Uunchai screening. Actor Ira Dubey had left heart emojis, while choreographer Vaibhavi Merchant commented, “Stunnnnnninggggg.” A comment also read, “Oh my God! Love.” A fan also wrote, “Finally a look that doesn’t age her.” Another fan wrote, “So, so, so beautiful.”
The screening of Sooraj Barjatya’s Uunchai starring Amitabh Bachchan was one of the most star-studded events in recent times. Sooraj and the cast of the film, including Boman Irani, Anupam Kher, Neena Gupta, Sarika, were joined by the who’s who of Bollywood. Salman Khan, Kangana Ranaut, Akshay Kumar, Kajol, Madhuri Dixit, Mahima Chaudhry, Jaya Bachchan, Bhagyashree, Abhishek Bachchan, Shehnaaz Gill, Riteish Deshmukh and many others were spotted.
Rani will be next seen in the film, Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway. The actor has reportedly completed the shoot in Estonia and parts of India. Rani was last seen in the 2021 film Bunty Aur Babli 2. The film also featured Saif Ali Khan, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Sharvari Wagh.
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