Filmmaker Karan Johar hosted a star-studded bash at his residence in Bandra on Monday. Rumoured couples Ananya Panday, Aditya Roy Kapur, and Janhvi Kapoor, Shikhar Pahariya attended Karan’s house party on Monday night. Ananya and Aditya made a style statement as they opted for black. Janhvi wore a mini dress for the party while Shikhar sported a casual look. (Also read: Janhvi Kapoor blushes as paparazzi spot her with rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya in car; fans call them ‘beautiful’)
Taking to Instagram, a paparazzo account posted video of Ananya and Aditya leaving Karan’s residence in separate cars. Ananya wore black bodycon dress with straps. She wore a heart choker necklace and tied her hair in a bun. She flashed her attractive smile while sitting inside the vehicle. She posed and waved back at the paparazzi. On the other hand, Aditya sported an all casual look. He wore a black T-shirt with black cap. He gave a thumbs up to the photographers and waved back at them before leaving.
Reacting to the clip, one person commented, “Wooooow (heart and smiling face with red heart eyes emojis).” Another person wrote, “Beautiful couple.” Other person commented, “Annie is beautiful and talented.” “Aditya khud ki car kyu nhi laya (Why did not Aditya got his own car for the party)?”, wrote one. “Awwww”, added other. For Karan Johar’s party, Jahnvi sported a brown mini dress with beige coat. She kept her hair untied and carried a black sling bag. She also wore hoop earrings. Shikhar wore a full sleeved sweater with blue jeans.
During Koffee with Karan show, season 7, Karan had asked Ananya about what’s brewing between her and Aditya. Hinting at something, Karan said, ‘I saw at my party’, but Ananya cut him off saying, “No, no you didn’t see anything.” Karan further asked her, “What’s brewing between you and Aditya Roy Kapoor.” Ananya was left speechless on his question. She also revealed her newest crush when she said, “I find Aditya Roy Kapur hot.”
Ananya will be next in Kho Gaye Hum Kahan with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav, directed by debutant director Arjun Varain, and the sequel to Ayushmann Khurrana’s film Dream Girl. Dream Girl 2 is set to release in June 2023. Aditya has Metro In Dino with Sara Ali Khan, Anupam Kher and Ali Fazal. The film is slated to release on 23 December this year.
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