Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham came together on Monday (January 30) to attend a press conference on Pathaan in Mumbai. All the three stars were seen along with director Siddharth Anand. SRK, who is back on silver screen after years, said, “For four years… I didn’t work. I was with my children. I saw them grow up. My last film had not worked and people had said my movies now won’t work. So, I thought of an alternate career: cooking Italian…In these four days, I’ve forgotten my last four years.”
Shah Rukh even hinted at Pathaan 2 and said, “Whenever he (Siddharth Anand) wants me to do Pathaan 2, I’ll do it. I am ready to grow my hair till the hips this time for the sequel. I will try my best to give my all to Pathaan 2. It will be my honour.”
He further spoke about his desire to be an action hero while also thanking Salman Khan for making a special appearance in Pathaan. “One person who is not here, I think all of us love him more than anyone can, bhai is not here, thank you Salman for making this film so wonderful,” said SRK.
Shah Rukh Khan also spoke about the agenda behind making movies. He said it was all about spreading happiness and entertaining people.
He seemingly addressed the controversy and stated that anything said in the film was not to hurt anybody’s sentiments. SRK said, “Deepika is Amar, I’m Akbar, John is Anthony. We love you, that’s why we make films. Nothing is bigger than this. When we tell our stories, we don’t deride them. We are just using a language that the young ones speak.” — TMS
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