Shah Rukh Khan launched wife Gauri Khan’s first foray into publishing, a coffee table book called My Life in Design. The book was launched in Mumbai on Monday and the actor shared details of Gauri’s hectic schedule, calling her the busiest of the Khans. He went on to say that no matter what the family did during the day, they make it a point to get together for dinner when they are in Mumbai. (Also read: Gauri Khan shares video after spotting Suhana Khan’s hoarding from the office; here’s how her daughter reacted. Watch)
The proud husband was seen launching Gauri’s coffee table book, which is published by Ebury Press. It features exclusive photos of the Khans, including Shah Rukh and their three children, Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan. The book also showcases the Khans’ famous abode in Bandra called Mannat, where the actor’s fans gather to get a glimpse of the superstar.
Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan unveiled the book together at the launch; they were matching in black. Afterwards, Shah Khan, who has written a foreword in the book, spoke about Gauri’s career. He said, “She is genuinely the busiest person in the house now, compared to me, my son, my daughter and my little one and my sister. I’m like, ‘What are you doing the whole day? Why do you keep doing so much work?’ She said because it satisfies me. I think this book stands for that.”
He also added, “We have dinners at home. We don’t have any choice in that. We have to have dinner together. On those dinners, we discuss how was your day at work? At the end of the dinner, the discussion is, it was a satisfying dinner because [Gauri] believes a satisfying day is a happy day.”
My Life in Design will also contain some of Gauri’s key design projects for various celebrities with photos. The interior designer also shares tips with those who want to join the field and know more about design in general.
Shah Rukh was last seen in the blockbuster Pathaan, directed by Siddharth Anand. He will also be seen in Atlee’s Jawan and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki later this year. He is also expected to make a cameo in the Salman Khan-starrer Tiger 3.
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