Shah Rukh Khan looked dapper in a black suit in new pictures released ahead of the inauguration on Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre on Friday evening. The Pathaan star had fans leaving enthusiastic comments on his latest pictures shared on Instagram. (Also read: Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone finally hold hands, quash tiff rumours at NMACC launch in Mumbai. Watch)
Shah Rukh’s manager Pooja Dadlani shared the official look of the Pathaan actor and captioned it, “Friday night!” Shah Rukh wowed in an all-black outfit that had a deep v-neckline. The actor paired the black shirt with a shiny striped black coat and a statement chain around the neck. Although Shah Rukh skipped the main event and didn’t pose for the shutterbugs like the rest of the stars, his wife and kids were seen at the launch.
Earlier a video from the event emerged where Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan was spotted posing with their two elder kids Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan. Gauri chose a nude-coloured saree with sequins for the event while Suhana looked glamourous in a red dress. Aryan was seen in a maroon jacket and black pants. In the same clip, Salman was also spotted as he quickly hopped into the frame. Gauri then asked her kids to come back for another photo together. Aryan said ‘bhai’ as he saw Salman and Suhana greeted him a big smile. All four of them posed for the paparazzo together.
Meanwhile, fans reacted enthusiastically to Shah Rukh’s dapper look in the comments. Among them were comments from Oscar-winner Guneet Monga and Shah Rukh’s Raess co-star Mahira Khan. Guneet commented, “Dear Lord (heart eyes emoticons)” while Mahira wrote, “what is this behavior Pooja?” A fan commented, “so handsome mashallah!’ while another comment read, “Too hot to handle! (fire emoticons)” Another fan commented, “thought it was Aryan for a sec!”
Among the other stars in attendance at the launch were Priyanka Chopra with husband Nick Jonas, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan, Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan, Karan Johar and Aamir Khan to name a few.
The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre promises an exquisite showcase of the best of India across music, theatre, fine arts and crafts to audiences from India and the world. The Centre is set to mark another definitive step in strengthening India’s cultural infrastructure and bringing to fruition the best of India and the world in the sphere of arts.
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