Actor Shah Rukh Khan gave his fans a glimpse of himself as he made a rare midnight appearance outside his Mumbai home on his 57th birthday. On the occasion, Shah Rukh on Wednesday came to the balcony at Mannat and greeted his fans. He was joined by his youngest child, AbRam Khan. (Also Read | When Shah Rukh Khan revealed his first crush, said after meeting Gauri Khan at a party he thought: ‘Ehi kudi leni hai’)
Several pictures and videos of Shah Rukh on his balcony emerged online. In a video shared by a fan account, Shah Rukh waved at the huge crowd gathered outside his home. He also blew kisses, saluted, clapped, flashed the thumbs-up sign, and greeted his fans with folded hands. The actor also bowed his head as he kept his hand on his chest.
Shah Rukh also did his signature pose by spreading his arms. He took a selfie with his fans from the balcony. Shah Rukh wore a black t-shirt with a pair of blue jeans. AbRam sported a white t-shirt and shorts. The actor spent time with his fans for over two minutes. Fans queued outside Mannat to wish the actor with many even carrying sweets, T-shirts, and huge posters of Shah Rukh along with them.
On his birthday, filmmaker Farah Khan penned a special birthday wish for Shah Rukh. Taking to Instagram, Farah dropped a video featuring some special moments with Shah Rukh–from the sets, dance rehearsals, to award shows. She wrote, “Mine!! my Shah, my friend, megastar, the man who made me a filmmaker, who is a King but so humble, who has the guts to laugh the loudest at himself, larger than cinema itself.. happy birthday @iamsrk am so proud to be ur friend.. thank you for all that you are.”
Shah Rukh will be next seen in director Siddharth Anand’s upcoming action thriller film Pathaan alongside Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. The film is all set to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
Apart from that, he also has Rajkumar Hirani’s upcoming film Dunki alongside Taapsee Pannu. Shah Rukh will also be seen in director Atlee’s upcoming action thriller film Jawan opposite Nayanthara, which is all set to hit the theatres on June 2, 2023.
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