Shah Rukh Khan completed 31 years in Bollywood on Sunday, the anniversary of the release of his debut film Deewana. The actor interacted with fans online on the occasion, doing one of his famous Ask SRK sessions on Twitter. During the interaction, he won hearts with a witty reply to a female fan, who said she wanted to name her twin babies after his two films.
Shah Rukh took to Twitter on Sunday evening to ask fans to hit him up with questions for a quick #AskSRK session. One of the queries was sent by a female fan, who informed that she was pregnant with twins. “Sir i am pregnant with twin babies..wish me luck i will name them pathaan and jawan #AskSRK,” read the tweet.
All the best but please name them something better!!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) June 25, 2023
Shah Rukh shared the tweet and responded tongue firmly in cheek, “All the best but please name them something better!!” The superstar’s witty response was appreciated by the fans. One responded, “Does she really mean it? Hope, she is joking. If she really does it, her kids are never going to forgive her for that especially if they are girls.” Another quipped that it would be better to name them after Shah Rukh’s hit 90s’ film Karan Arjun.
Pathaan, which was released in January, was Shah Rukh’s comeback film after a four-year hiatus from Bollywood. The film earned Rs 1050 crore worldwide becoming the biggest hit of the actor’s career and this year’s biggest Indian film so far. His next release is action thriller Jawan, which marks the Bollywood debut of director Atlee as well as his co-stars Nyanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. The film is slated to release in September.
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