New pictures from actor Shah Rukh Khan’s visit to the Vaishno Devi shrine have surfaced online. The actor visited the shrine on Sunday night around midnight, hours before the launch of Besharam Rang, the first song from his upcoming film Pathaan, his first in four years. Although pictures and videos from the visit had been shared online on Monday, the actor’s face wasn’t visible in any of them. New pictures show a smiling Shah Rukh with some fans. Also read: Shah Rukh Khan visits Vaishno Devi shrine ahead of Pathaan song release
Two pictures, clicked indoors, seemingly at the shrine, show Shah Rukh, dressed in woolens, smiling and posing with two men. The actor is wearing a dark sweatshirt, denims, and a beanie. He is also sporting a teeka on his forehead, a sign of his visit to the popular pilgrimage spot in Jammu and Kashmir. Shah Rukh had visited the Vaishno Devi shrine in the intervening night of Sunday and Monday.
Videos shared by fans showed him walking around with other pilgrims, surrounded by security. Many fans praised the actor’s gesture of going there incognito even though he was surrounded by security personnel.
Many noted that this was the actor’s second pilgrimage in this month. Earlier in December, Shah Rukh had been clicked in Mecca performing the Umrah. This visit was on the sidelines of his appearance at the Red Sea International Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. “He went to Mecca first and now Vaishno Devi. True secular King Khan,” wrote a fan.
Shah Rukh is currently gearing up for the release of his first film since 2018–Pathaan. The action thriller, directed by Siddharth Anand, also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. On Monday morning, the first song from the film, Besharam Rang, was released. The video received praise from several fans for its visuals and music but many criticised it too, for its similarities to Ghungroo, a song from the 2019 film War.
Pathaan is set to release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on January 25, 2023. The actor has two other releases lined up in 2023–Dunki and Jawan.
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