In the upcoming episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, the judges of Shark Tank India marked their presence on the show. Aman Gupta was joined by other Shark Tank judges such as Vineeta Singh, Anupam Mittal, Peyush Bansal, Namita Thapar and Amit Jain. Kiku Sharda entertained the guests on the sets. He left the entire team of Shark Tank in splits, when he asked what they feel if having upset stomach after eating golgappas. Many people reacted to the promo video shared by Sony Entertainment Television. (Also read: Kajol roars with laughter at hilarious Ajay Devgn impression on The Kapil Sharma Show. Watch)
In the promo video shared on Instagram, the team of Shark Tank were seen on the stage of The Kapil Sharma Show. They waved to and greeted the audience of the show. Anupam danced with comedian Kiku, while other members clapped and cheered for them. Moments later, Kiku can be heard asking, “Ek baat aap logo se pochna tha ye jo aap funding vunding karte hai, toh kabhi ka baar aisa pani puri khaakr jab pet kharaab hota hai, toh aapko acidity hota hai ya liquidity hota hai (Tell me one thing, you all do funding, so whenever you all eat pani puri or golgappas, a snack, which lead to upset stomach, do you experience acidity or liquidity)?”
Everyone started laughing on his hilarious question. Amit stood up from his sofa, and started clapping. Host Kapil Sharma also laughed in the end. Reacting to the clip, one person wrote, “Great accounting joke (laughing emojis).” Another person commented, “Shark Tank be like kaha aakr fasaa diya (The team would be like why are we even here).” Other person wrote, “More like Drama tank! (laughing emoji).” “Liquidity se munafa toh inko chalte phirte hoga..tabhi toh healthy food khaate hai & acidity se bachte hai (They must be benefitting a lot from liquidity, that’s why they eat heathy food and save themselves from acidity)”, added other.
Shark Tank India airs on Sony Entertainment Television at 10 pm from Monday to Friday. It is business reality show, where budding entrepreneurs present their business ideas to the ‘sharks’, who were all successful entrepreneurs. They get interested in investing their money, expertise, and time to help the company reach the next level.
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