Actor Shilpa Shetty took to Instagram and shared a video of filmmaker Farah Khan on her birthday. Farah turned 58 on January 9. Shilpa treated her fans to a funny clip, where Farah revealed the secret to her everlasting beauty. Farah, with a straight face, says the secret behind her beauty is ‘salad’. Later on, Shilpa shared the real mantra behind Farah’s beauty. Shilpa also penned a heartwarming message for Farah to mark the occasion. Many fans reacted to her hilarious post. (Also read: When Farah Khan said she can proudly say her children are ‘from IVF and no, a pizza man did not deliver you’)
Shilpa shared a video of Farah getting ready to eat her meal in a restaurant. Farah readies her salad dish which has bread, salad leaves, veggies and other ingredients. She can be heard saying, “Meri beauty ka raaz, salad (The secret to my beauty is salad)” as Shilpa recorded her. In the background, Shilpa said, “Burrata hai uske neeche (The Burrata is there in the bottom of the bowl).” Immediately, Farah said, “Bura tha par ab acha hai (It was bad but now, it is better).” Shilpa burst into laughter in the end.
Sharing the clip on Instagram, Shilpa wrote, “Never a dull moment with you around (laughing emojis). Love you, Farhooooo! Wishing you only love, health, and happiness… Oh yes, and loads of tasty food on your plate always (red heart emoji).” She used ‘friends like family’, ‘blessed’ and ‘grateful’ as the hashtags on the post. Farah Khan replied, “Shillllppppssss this is so funnn…lovv u for all my free meals (laughing emoji) and everything else.”
Reacting to the post, one of Shilpa’s fans wrote, “So funny (laughing emojis).” Another fan commented, “That is why she (Farah) is so fit and young.” Other fan wrote, “Farah you have lost weight.” “Behind…Shilpa’s laugh so amazing (laughing emoji)”, added another. The other comment read, “She is funny and good lady.” Many fans dropped heart and laughing emojis on the video.
Farah and filmmaker Shirish Kunder got married on December 9, 2004. They are blessed with triplets – son Czar and daughters Diva and Anya – in 2008 via in vitro fertilisation. Farah’s younger brother, filmmaker Sajid Khan, can currently be seen in the reality show Bigg Boss 16.
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