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Should Batman Kill? The Answer Is Not What You Expect

Should Batman Kill? The Answer Is Not What You Expect

With word that Matt Reeves’ The Batman will reboot the DC Comics blockbuster superhero franchise with a “no kill” rule for its titular masked hero, online fandom is in an uproar over whether this represents a return to tradition for the character, or an unwelcome timidity that defies the character’s darker nature. Richard Newby wrote about this recently in an excellent piece at The Hollywood Reporter, setting off a new round of argument among fans. And the answer to “should Batman kill?” is not what you might expect, whether you’re seeking a clear-cut answer about either the moral value of the rule itself, or simply weighing the sheer faithfulness when it comes to the comic book source material.

I’m going to recount some of the history related to when and why Batman killed in comics and films previously, and how these things affected public perception of the character and expectations for behavior, and then get to the question: should Batman kill?

This is going to be a detailed accounting and longer than my usual articles. I want to address as many of the points and histories as possible, in order to come up with something approaching a definitive answer about Batman, his rule, whether he should have the rule or not, and what to think of The Batman’s plans.

Understand this, first of all — Batman did not have any rule against killing in the earliest comics. He even carried a gun and shot people to death. It was only after a couple of years in publication that Batman articulated a “no killing” rule, when he adopted a teenage sidekick and the publishing world wanted to tone down the violence for younger readers.

And even after that, Batman has occasionally still killed people, often kills monsters and aliens and robots, right up to the comics of today. Often, the deaths will be retconned to erase Batman’s guilt, but at the time there are a few examples of in-story killing by Batman within the modern era.

So it is true that Batman has a “no killing” rule in the comics, but it’s also true that at times he lacked such a rule or the rule was more fluid, or it was unclear where he drew the line, or he simply broke the rule, or defined certain forms of life as beyond application of his rule. Meaning it’s faithful to depict Batman as never killing, or as only killing on rare occasions, or as killing on and off depending on convenience, since there are comics for all of it.

That said, it’s generally understood by fans and the general public nowadays that Batman has a some type of rule against murdering people (probably best summed up as “Batman won’t intentionally take a human life by his own hands”). And regardless of the exceptions, he’s mostly adhered to that rule over the past 80 years in the comics.

It’s also fair to say that there was a time in the late-1980s and early-1990s, and again in the mid-to-late 2000s, when the mainstream public’s impression of Batman was that he did kill villains sometimes, and the general public seemed okay with that.

Let’s look back at how Batman’s behavior changed in the films, and how that has changed public perceptions and how we talk about Batman.

In live-action, Batman’s early serials never bothered much with the issue of killing or not, but the 1960s TV series and feature film were family-friendly incarnations of the Caped Crusader and his sidekick Robin the Boy Wonder, so even the villains seemed to mostly adhere to a “no killing” rule except for their elaborate (yet doomed to fail) traps for the heroes.

Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman and 1992 Batman Returns depicted a Batman played by Michael Keaton who was more than willing to kill his enemies, including blowing up an Axis Chemicals plant and throwing Joker’s henchmen off a bell tower; stating an intention to kill the Joker minutes before carrying out that threat; and killing Penguin’s henchmen with bombs in their pants or the jet flames of the Batmobile.

The Burton era is when I think it’s fair to say that if you asked the average person on the street (not a comic book fan) whether Batman kills or not, they’d say something like, “Not usually, but sometimes, like with the Joker or his hired goons.”

It wasn’t until Joel Schumacher’s Batman Forever in 1995 starring Val Kilmer that the character expresses regret for taking those lives, pleading with Dick Grayson not to make the same mistake by killing Two-Face… and then, of course, Batman uses a handful of coins to make Two-Face leap to his death over a bunch of spikes. And Schumacher’s 1997’s Batman & Robin, with George Clooney donning the cowl for the campiest entry yet, is the first of the modern live-action films lacking any Batman-instigated villain deaths.

Schumacher’s films got less discussion by the press and public about their treatment of Batman’s code of conduct, but the story in Batman Forever put the conflict between revenge and justice front and center, and then Batman & Robin avoided having the heroes kill. I think that made it easier to transition into Nolan’s approach and the introduction of the “no killing” rule as a source of main conflict for Batman in movies.

Almost a decade after Schumacher came Chris Nolan’s trilogy, and the “no killing” rule took on great importance for Batman, with attention to the evolution of his rule and the controversial proposition that it was unsustainable. In the 2005 reboot picture Batman Begins, he blows up a ninja temple and leaves Ra’s on a train where he dies in a crash, the first being a direct result of Batman’s own actions but the latter being Ra’s own fault (and Batman leaves Ra’s the chance to save himself, if he dares try).

This is a mixture of Batman’s articulated “I won’t become an executioner” stance (stated literally seconds before he sets fire to explosives that destroy a ninja temple full of League of Shadows members, surely killing at least some of them) and his more fluid “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you” position regarding leaving Ra’s on a train without breaks and headed toward a collapsed track.

I think this is when the mainstream public and press started to pay real attention and talk about Batman having a “no killing” rule, because it was centered in the film’s themes and plot.

In 2008’s The Dark Knight, the Joker tests Batman’s “no killing” rule to the breaking point. Both screenwriter Jonathan Nolan and director Christopher Nolan said Batman’s the Joker forced Batman to face the fact that his rule was always unrealistic to think he could do what he does without eventually breaking his rule, and in the end Batman had to break his rule with Dent.

In that case, his rule had to evolve. Either Batman awaits the result of a random coin toss by a deranged homicidal man threatening to shoot a child, or Batman takes action to save the boy by intervening in a situation where there’s a good chance Dent could be injured or killed. Batman’s mission and rule to protect and save innocent lives took priority, and he couldn’t refuse to act in that situation. Saving the boy’s life meant inherently endangering Dent’s life, but it was unavoidable because Dent made it so. In that case, Batman’s actions were to save the boy, not to harm or kill Dent. But the outcome is the same — Batman took an action he knew would jeopardize someone’s life, and he did it anyway and the person died.

Regardless of his obviously correct moral justifications and the fact it is consistent with his primary directive to protect and save innocent people, Batman broke his rule. The result of that, for the Nolan film series, is Batman becoming a recluse for several years for 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises, coming out of retirement and insisting his ally Catwoman not use lethal force against Bane or Bane’s soldiers. Notice, by the way, Batman doesn’t tell police officer John Blake not to use lethal force (Blake, however, eventually eschews the use of guns on his own), nor does Batman ever tell police not to use lethal force in any of the films. This is a point I’ll return to later.

As Nolan’s series went on and his rule played a pivotal role in events, the public perception was that Batman tried not to kill but could be forced into a situation where he has no choice. This, in turn, really started the broader mainstream public and press debate asking if Batman might bear some responsibility for the murders committed by his enemies, since he keeps refusing to kill them despite knowing they will eventually escape and commit more murders. It simultaneously reminded everyone Batman as a rule doesn’t kill people, while making everyone stop and ask, “but is that a good policy after all?”

2016 saw another Batman reboot, this time by Zack Snyder in Batman v Superman. Here was an older, cynical Batman portrayed by Ben Affleck, who has watched his mission fail to do much more than “pull weeds” as he describes it while Gotham City and the rest of the world fell apart, a Batman who lost his adoptive son Dick Grayson to the murderous rampages of the Joker, a Batman who watched his friend Harvey Dent become a monster, and who finally let the weight of it all push him over the line into cruelty and finally a willingness to take a life — directly or indirectly, with varying degrees of complicity.

Snyder’s Batman is a hero who became the villain without realizing it, until that moment when he’s standing over Superman with a Kryptonite spear about to murder him, and Lois begs for his life while Superman cries out for Batman to please save his mother. Batman knew then what he’d become, and that he had to find a way to redeem himself again — first and foremost, by saving Martha Kent. Meaning yeah, he was gonna get some people killed. Kicked a grenade here, shot a flame thrower tank there, and generally let a lot of dangerous armed people get themselves killed with their own actions. But he played a direct role in helping it happen, and in some cases (like shooting the truck with the machine gun blasting at his plane) he took aim and fired.

Which is the point, of course. He is a Batman who evolved into someone willing to use extreme unnecessary violence, and who would let people die and even do the killing himself sometimes. And he recognized it, at last, and vowed to stop. The film ends with him restraining himself from using his “bat-brand” to scar Lex Luthor, a sign he is changing once again to become the heroic symbol of hope he once was and wishes to be again.

In the long-awaited 2021 release Zack Snyder’s Justice League, this new arc comes to fruition as Batman assembles a team and resurrects Superman on faith, and it pays off. This is Batman redeemed again. It’s meant to lead into a tragic turn of events yet again, with a final capstone involving Batman sacrificing himself to save the world and bring about hope and faith in heroes again. This Batman doesn’t kill people — humans, specifically, unless they’ve been turned into Parademons, which he slaughters in large numbers. Again, even when he has a strict “no killing humans” rule, Batman tends to make exceptions for certain kinds of life forms, including demons, monsters, animals, A.I., and certain types of aliens.

We’ll see a final appearance by this Batman in The Flash movie, when Ben Affleck hands off his DCEU duties to returning Batman Michael Keaton. So we come full circle to a Batman who started out a killer but evolved, over the course of several films and with multiple actors portraying pretty much the same version of the character in terms of continuity, into a hero who didn’t kill, but who potentially (in The Flash, if he’s anything like the Batman character from the film’s comic book inspiration) may have once again become cynical and taken up lethal methods he once cast off.

Whenever Batman has outright killed people in the movies anymore, it is typically intended to be an examination of his rules and to reinforce the idealism of a “no killing” rule even if it also underlines the point that such a rule is probably impossible to maintain entirely over a long enough timeline in Gotham City. Even though he killed Joker in the 1989 film without remorse, the sequel had him at least pay lip service to the idea of not killing for revenge (as he says to Selina, aka Catwoman), and the next film was all about Batman talking Robin into not killing (and then yes, Batman fudges the moral lesson by doing something he has to know will inevitably lead to Two-Face’s death).

Looking back over this accounting of Batman’s live-action record, it’s obvious that the only live-action feature films in which Batman didn’t kill anybody are the 1966 feature film and 1997’s Batman & Robin. (Note: The theatrical cut of Justice League has the same basic arc for Batman as Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and Batman’s appearance in Suicide Squad is brief and includes him saving Harley Quinn’s life but he’s still the same Batman as the other Snyder films, so there’s no point going into further detail about those two appearances.)

The public, then, has been subjected to about 33 years of Batman movies. Nine movies, only one of which has a Batman who doesn’t kill anybody or anything. The rest mostly have a version of Batman who either kills, kills in rare “forced” circumstances, won’t kill but has leeway to let people die, used to have a rule against killing but eventually got mean enough to ignore his rule, or who doesn’t kill people but will kill monsters.

That’s a lot of varying degrees of a Batman who does in fact kill, even if he tries hard not to or avoids it a lot of the time. I mean, we only see these Batmen for two to three hours in most cases, so even just killing one person in that time is a snapshot that implies he might do it more than you’d expect. So on the one hand, I’d say this means that while we all know Batman struggles with a “no killing” rule and wants to avoid unnecessary death, most of the public probably tends to think, “Batman tries not to kill and doesn’t want to kill, but sometimes s**t happens.”

That’s not me being cynical or making excuses, mind you, I’m just saying that after three decades of movies having Batman occasionally struggle with the concept but for the most part consistently blowing people up and causing folks to die, then the public is probably getting mixed signals and has an impression of Batman as a hero who has a rule but keeps being pushed to break his rule because of really evil bad guys. I’m not advocating for that impression, since it’s contrary to my own view of Batman, but I think it’s probably how most of the public think of the situation, regardless of how they might feel about it.

Which brings me back to an earlier point. Remember when I mentioned Batman telling Catwoman not to use lethal force, but never making such demands of any police officers? This is an important distinction we need to talk about, since I think it affects how the public views Batman, and how I think The Batman will tackle the issue of the “no killing” rule.

For masked vigilantism outside of the legal government-sanctioned use of force, Batman tends to insist on a “no killing” rule, with stipulations that include (a) not having to save someone from a situation Batman didn’t create and in which they have opportunity to save themselves, and (b) the necessity of intervention to save innocent lives, when the intervention might put the life of a villain at risk.

Police and other agents of legitimate democratic governance, however, are presumed in Batman’s “rulebook” to be granted power to use lethal force in situations where society deems it necessary. That is of course the definition under the idealized structure of superhero vigilante rules of use of force, not speaking to the real life reality of how police and government use power illicitly and abusively, since this is a discussion about the concepts behind Batman’s limits on use of lethal force. Batman routinely also confronts and battles corrupt cops and criminal government officials.

These details matter, because it gets at an underlying distinction in Batman’s philosophy, and it raises the real question everyone wants to argue about — is Batman right to refuse killing and wrong when he does kill, as discussed above, or is he wrong for not killing when he could? Is Batman to blame for Joker’s continued murder sprees, since Batman won’t kill the Joker?

Batman isn’t acting with any public or state agency or license, he doesn’t represent any legal authority and has no permission to operate, to use violence, to investigate, or to use lethal force against criminals. He’s a vigilante and a criminal whose activities are extrajudicial. His only boundaries are the ones he imposes on himself.

Which is what makes those boundaries so important. When you operate as a vigilante outside of the law; when the justice you deliver is already extrajudicial; and when you grant yourself wide latitude and permission to break the law and serve as investigator, judge, and jury for other people, then it’s just one more easy step to become executioner.

But Batman’s existence is premised on the fact he believes law and order have disappeared from Gotham, so the usual mechanisms of justice cannot self-correct. That’s what makes him necessary, but it also means he cannot himself become yet another vector for even worse undermining of the rule of law. In that case, while he needs wide latitude to carry out his mission, he also needs limitations to prevent him from becoming the very thing he has set out to destroy.

Batman’s “no killing” rule is to ensure he always acts in service of justice, not vengeance, and that he never let himself become so above and beyond the law that the last restraint on his actions is removed. He is the only one holding himself accountable, the only one really capable, and so he takes it very seriously.

I believe Batman is only able to operate effectively and maintain his moral bearing and sanity because he doesn’t allow himself revenge, because he considers his mission something greater than just “street justice.” He understands in his bones that taking a life creates ripples we cannot control, which spread farther than we can imagine, and sometimes those ripples create a Batman — but other times they create a Joker. Seeing death day after day, knowing how often it leads to unintended consequences and worse additional tragedies, Batman knows better than to bring more of it into this world by his own hand.

Make no mistake, though, this is not a statement of moral superiority for a “no killing” rule at face value, nor is it to say Batman simply refuses to kill sometimes out of a sense of keeping his own hands clean. No, the Batman doesn’t consider himself “clean” or “guiltless” for refusing to kill his enemies — he keeps count of his enemies’ victims and believes some of their blood is indeed on his own hands. Batman feels deep remorse for the fact he cannot allow himself to cross the line and kill the Joker, and it would be easier on himself to just do it and get it over with. Most of the public, the police, and even a lot of masked heroes would understand and excuse him for it.

Of course Batman — all of us — should have a “no killing” rule because murder isn’t good and as a rule we should obviously condemn it. However, I also do not believe that refusing to kill is always the right decision, and in some situations I would argue it’s immoral not to kill. It’s rare that anyone is really faced with life-or-death choice in a split second and must either kill a bad guy or see worse loss of life among innocent people. But this is Batman, and in that context he regularly confronts such situations, so it’s fair to use examples that defy his “no killing” rule.

Think of every mass shooting, since we have those so frequently — if someone had a chance to kill a mass shooter at a school before the shooter can murder any innocent students, is it better for them to say, “No, I have a no kill rule” and let the attack happen? Is the decision about doing the least harm and maximizing respect for life, to preserve and protect innocent life? Or is the decision about keeping your own hands clean?

And that’s the key to understanding Batman’s “no killing” rule, and the times he violates it. Batman isn’t saying “I have to keep my hands clean,” he’s saying “you don’t want me to get my hands that dirty, trust me, it would be bad for you and society.” He’s refusing because he knows once he goes down that road, he becomes something very different and will cause ripples for which everyone else in Gotham must pay eventually.

The Joker could be said to be a rare exception, where Batman should’ve let the villain fall to his death rather than save him. I’ll be honest, when the comics assert Joker’s death toll is into several hundred or thousands of victims, it starts to feel absurd for Batman to insist on rescuing the villain from the jaws of death on occasion. But that’s what Joker is all about, in the end — he is the ultimate test case, the glaring example who should be the exception to Batman’s rule.

And that should tell you how important Batman’s rule is, and how important it is for the Joker to challenge that rule, and how important it is for Batman to feel the pressure and strain of it all. It’s important for Batman to fail, too, sometimes. That includes being confronted with his own rule and the inherent question of what to do in a no-win scenario.

Batman always needs a “no killing” rule, even if at times he’s ignoring it. Batman needs to have this rule, but he also needs to be challenged in a way that legitimately puts his rule into question. We need to see how Batman deals with that challenge, whether he passes or fails the test (there are good stories for either outcome), and most important of all how he holds himself accountable afterward for his choices and moves forward.

It sounds like this is precisely what Matt Reeves plans for his Batman (and I think Reeves has a deep, complex understanding of the character rooted in exactly the stories I feel best represent what the character is about, which is why I have so much faith in and excitement for his vision), and it is good and right and completely consistent with source material and previous films for Reeves’ Batman to have a “no killing” rule.

I defended Snyder’s Batman using lethal force precisely because it was contextualized as part of an arc in which he was clearly in the wrong when he was violating his rule, and then saw the err of his ways and redeemed himself. Before that, I defended the reasons Batman left Ra’s on the train, and why he took actions causing Dent to die.

But I never defended Batman killing the Joker and blowing up Axis Chemicals, and I complained about Batman sticking a bomb in someone pants, because a Batman who simply goes around killing folks regularly without any subtext about it in the larger story isn’t interesting, and is contrary to too much of what he has come to represent over the last 80-plus years of his existence. That was the difference, and that’s why it was so good that the follow-up films included Batman expressing remorse for killing the Joker, whether that remorse was originally intended in the previous films or not.

Still, I know it’s okay for Batman to sometimes kill in movies, even in the cases where I don’t like it, since it has happened in the comics and since it does serve a purpose when done right. When it helps Batman confront his own limitations and hold himself accountable, when it’s part of his growth as a character, then those moral failings can be useful. That’s when I say not only is it okay for Batman to break his rule, but that it’s a good thing to test his rule and see what happens when he does break it and must live with the fallout of that action (as in The Dark Knight, or Batman v Superman).

But in the end, Batman understands the implications of taking lives, having lived with the fallout of murder himself, and he always needs to return to a place where he doesn’t let himself kill, even if at some point he stumbled on his path and broke (or came close to breaking) his rule.

If a rare exception arises and he’s forced into a no-win scenario like in The Dark Knight, then he of course has to do the right thing and minimize danger to innocent lives and take action to bring about the greatest chance of helping the most people, even if that means risking the death of a villain. But we know when that happens, Batman will learn from the situation and will forever carry the burden of it with him, and he will vow to do everything in his power to make sure it never happens again.

The debate over all of this is so contentious precisely because it speaks to the core of what drives Batman and what compels us as readers to relate to him, which are the things that make him heroic as he represents the mortal human condition on the battlefield alongside larger, greater forces beyond the control of mere mortals.

There are “defining moments” in life for all of us, and the question is whether those moment define us, or force us to define ourselves. Batman dedicated his life to trying to take his pain and forge something better, something that could save others from that same pain. He is meant to be a redemptive symbol of hope, someone who vows to be better than his worst moments. In fact, Batman has the audacity to even fight for and believe in at least the potential for redemption for his enemies, whom he keeps alive and stows at Arkham Asylum in the hope some day they can be treated and cured, but meanwhile kept safely away from society.

Except the nature of Batman’s world is such that he seems doomed to forever strive to redeem himself in his corrupt city as a beacon of hope burning defiantly amid a nightmare without end. But his redemption doesn’t come from victory over crime — his redemption comes in daring to shine at all in the darkness. It’s a message we should take to heart, every single day.

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