The TV show Main Hoon Aparajita starring Shweta Tiwari in the titular role is set to shut down next month. After running for eight months the network has decided to pull the plug due to its poor ratings. A source close to the show confirms, “There has been a buzz around the show going off air for almost a month, however, it’s confirmed that the channel decided to axe the show. The shoot will wrap up in the second week of June.”
When we reached out to actor Manav Gohil – who was preparing for a family trip in the US – he told us, “I’m not certain about it, we have not been told about this decision yet.” Actor Shweta Gulati who plays the negative leads in the show denied the news. She said, “The rumours have been doing the rounds since January. But until we get confirmation, we cannot believe it. We are currently shooting for the show and have an entire month’s story lined up. So I’m not aware of it going off air and I personally don’t think it will.”
In the meantime despite repeated attempt, actors Tiwari and showrunner Sukesh Motwani didn’t respond to our queries.
The show is an official remake of the Telugu drama Radhamma Kuthuru and started in September last year. The show was an attempt to recreate the success of the TV show Anupamaa on a rival network. It also marked Gohil and Tiwari’s reunion after nearly 20 years.
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