Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani, along with their respective families, have headed to Jaisalmer where the actor jodi will reportedly tie the knot tomorrow. In the months preceding the wedding, Malhotra has been on a house-hunting spree. The actor, who currently lives in a swanky apartment in Bandra’s plush neighbourhood of Pali Hill, is eager to move into a bungalow and has shortlisted a few properties in Juhu. A source tells us, “Sidharth is keen on having a sea-facing home, just like his Bandra pad that offers him an unrestricted view of the Arabian Sea.”
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The source further tells us that a bungalow in JVPD Scheme has caught the actor’s attention. We hear it is a sprawling 3,500-square-foot property located on the 6th road in JVPD. “The property comes with a fat price tag of R70 crore. However, Sidharth will check out all the shortlisted houses again before zeroing in one. After their shaadi, the couple will move into his Pali Hill home till his dream bungalow is ready,” adds the source.
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