On Thursday, actor Suniel Shetty met Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Mumbai to talk about film opportunities in Uttar Pradesh’s upcoming Film City. During the discussion, the actor also mentioned about anti-Bollywood trends on social media and reportedly sought help from the UP CM. He also assured him that people of the industry ‘don’t do drugs, or wrong work.’ Also read: Suniel Shetty on boycott Bollywood trend
Only a day ago, it was Akshay Kumar who met Yogi Adityanath in the city. For half-an-hour, the actor shared his enthusiasm over UP’s future Film City. During the meeting, Akshay also urged Yogi to watch hi recently-released film Ram Setu.
Now Suniel Shetty took the opportunity to share how audience can be encouraged to go to theatres. The actor called the hashtag ‘Boycott Bollywood’ alarming and was quoted by Indian Express saying, “The hashtag that’s going on, Boycott Bollywood, yeh ruk bhi sakta hai aapke kehne se (it can stop if you say). It is important to spread the word that we are doing good work. One rotten apple is everywhere, but just because of that you can’t call the whole industry rotten. Today people think that Bollywood is not a good place, but we have made such good films here. I was a part of one such film too, when I did Border. I have been a part of many good films. We have to come together and work towards how we can get rid of the Boycott Bollywood hashtag. We have to figure how we can stop this trend.”
Suniel also requested CM Yogi to discuss the matter of anti-Bollywood sentiments with PM Narendra Modi as “99% of the people” in the industry are good.
“Today, if I am Suniel Shetty, it is because of UP and the fans from there. If you take the lead, this can definitely happen. It is of great importance that this stigma that is on us is gone. It is a very strong emotion for me. Dukh hota hai bolne me ke humaare pe yeh stigma hai (it pains me to tell that there is this stigma on us) because 99% of us are not like that. Hum din bhar drugs nahi lete, hum galat kaam nahi karte (We don’t do drugs whole day, we don’t do wrong work). Hum achhe kaam se jude hai (We are associated with good work). Bharat ko agar bahar ke desho se kisi ne joda hai toh woh hai humaara music (Bollywood music has connected India with the world), and our stories. So, Yogi ji if you take the lead and talk to our beloved Prime Minister about it, it will make a huge difference,” he further added.
Earlier, CM Yogi told Akshay Kumar the important role of cinema in increasing public awareness. He also said that filmmakers should give importance to the issues of social and national consciousness while selecting the subjects for their films.
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