Swara Bhasker recently penned a heartfelt note for the paparazzi. The actor, who recently attended some Diwali bashes hosted by actor-friend Sonam Kapoor and designer duo Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla, took to Instagram Stories and shared a note on celebrities partying together during the festival, while paparazzi worked overtime to click their photos. Swara also noted that the photographers work in a ‘weird and harsh eco-system’, whereby they spend time away from their families even on festivals to cover celebrities arriving at and leaving various Diwali bashes. Also read: Jaya Bachchan is in the happiest mood as she clicks pics with Richa Chadha, Swara Bhasker at Diwali party
Taking to Instagram Stories on Diwali, Swara Bhasker had shared a paparazzi post of herself, and written, “The business of celebrity is a strange thing and dependent on many factors and many people… one such bunch are the paparazzi. The other is the service industry. I often wonder guiltily as we get papped, whether (in our image hungry age) the paps ever get to celebrate festivals with their near and dear ones.”
Swara also said celebs today would not be celebs without the paparazzi photographing them. The actor continued to write in her note, “I mean I know it’s a job they’re doing, but still. It’s a weird and harsh eco-system really… and we are all part of it! Anyway. Happy Diwali to the good old Paparazzi! Aap nahi hotey toh hum nahi hotey (if you were not there, neither would we be there)! Happy Diwali!”
Swara had recently shared photos from Sonam Kapoor’s Diwali party that was held at the actor’s Mumbai home. Swara and Sonam were seen together in Veere Di Wedding (2018). Swara’s last release was Jahaan Chaar Yaar, which did not perform well at the box office. The film had released on September 16, and also featured Meher Vij, Shikha Talsania and Pooja Chopra. Swara will be seen next in Mrs Falani, which is scheduled to be released next year.
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