The Affirmation You Need to Hear, Based On Your… “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right” is one of my favorite affirmations to repeat to…
The Soothing Affirmation of Daily Routine TikTok 21-year-old Austin Chui began making videos as a way to hold himself accountable in his pursuit of a healthy…
The 6 non-negotiable wellness secrets J-Lo… Jennifer Lopez is all we care about right now. After surprising us all on Sunday with a picture posted to her…
Why trans women go to Thailand for gender… Transgender women are spending huge sums to go to Bangkok for gender confirmation surgery from male to female,…
California to remove Mayan affirmation from… SAN DIEGO — California is deleting the often-used In Lak’Ech affirmation from its model ethnic studies curriculum…