Anti-Covid pills work against Omicron, antibody… New York: The drugs behind the new pills to treat Covid-19 remain very effective against the Omicron variant of…
Los Angeles students required to wear better,… Los Angeles Unified School District students will no longer to able to wear fabric or other non-surgical type…
LAUSD students required to wear better,… Los Angeles Unified School District students will no longer to able to wear fabric or other non-surgical type…
Secretaría de Salud en Coahuila analiza… El documento acredita que la ciudadanía de distintos grupos poblacionales ha sido inoculada con las dosis…
Molnupuravir, first anti-Covid pill, has major… Aditi Tandon Tribune News Service New Delhi, January 5 Days…
Biden Administration Doubles Orders For Pfizer’s… Topline The federal government doubled its order of Pfizer’s Covid-19 antiviral pill Paxlovid to 20 million…
6 things to know about Pfizer's anti-COVID… KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) – On Wednesday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization…
Se retrasa dos horas aplicación de refuerzo… Con dos horas de retraso, inició en Torreón la aplicación del refuerzo de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 para…
Caótico inicio de triple jornada de vacunación… Caótico inicio tuvo la “triple” jornada de vacunación antiCOVID en Gómez Palacio, en donde solo se tuvo un macro…
COVID Quickly, Episode 20: The Omicron Scare,… Tanya Lewis: Hi, and welcome to COVID, Quickly, a Scientific American podcast series. Josh Fischman: This is your…